Friday, May 29, 2009

“Whether you think you can or can’t, you are right.” –Henry Ford

Each of us has the task of writing our own life story. From the minute we are born, we are shaped by our surroundings and those that love us – and even those that don’t. Some people quickly learn that life is as pliable as clay and begin to mold and shape their life into the perfect rendition of whom and what they want to be. For others, it becomes a struggle to overcome the labels and survive the negativity swirling around them. Admittedly, it took me a long time to learn that I have the right to eliminate those negative forces around me and concentrate on the good. Once I learned that, my life smoothed out and it became much easier to be happy and enjoy the truly great blessings in my life. I hope that my girls will learn this lesson sooner than I did. My greatest wish for them is to be happy and successful.

Many years ago, a great friend gave me a book titled “10,000 Things to Be Happy About.” It was a little book filled with lists of things that made the author happy. I must’ve read through that book a dozen times! I even highlighted the items that also made me happy – when I was finished, more than half of the book was filled with pink and yellow highlighter… And that made me happy! Reading that book helped me realize that there are others in this world who enjoy the simple things in life as much as I do. Today, in honor of all the things that make me happy, and in writing my own life story, I decided to post a list of some of the things that make me happy. And maybe, just maybe… some of these things make you happy too.

*My beautiful family
*The smell of rain
*The sound of a baby laughing
*Being silly with my girls
*Watching movies in bed
*Long phone calls about nothing
*The Internet
*Summer evenings
*Multi-colored, almond scented soap in the carwash
*Cute husband wearing his hat backwards
*Ted’s Bakery
*A freshly made bed
*Laughing until my sides hurt
*Books that I can’t put down
*Favorite books that I can read again and again
*Tomato plants
*Spontaneous trips
*Bare feet buried in cool sand
*Receiving flowers
*Family BBQs
*Memories of Boston
*Words invented by us (Yuffa, muches, smoochas, jammify!)
*Playing Apples to Apples
*Singing in the car
*Updating my IPOD

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” — Harold Whitman

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Little Girls Grow Up

I am constantly amazed at how rapidly life changes around here. It isn't necessarily that life at my house advances any faster than it does elsewhere, it is just that I pay closer attention to it now, perhaps because I hear the Mom Clock steadily ticking away the precious time I have left to parent my "little girls" before they rush off, headfirst, into the tempestuous world. I can only hope that I have helped them gain the knowledge, skills and self assurance they will need to be successful adults.

This week was a blur of activity. That in and of itself is nothing new, but along with the usual kid activities such as Emily's Pops Concert, Carley's Key Club Social, Driving the kids to the moon and back for various Really Important Reasons, and all of my own errands, we were busy preparing the girls for their first ever flight without an accompanying parent. Yes, Bill and I were nervous. Yes, the flights were getting more crowded by the day. And yes, the girls were bouncing off the walls with excitement over their sister's impending High School Graduation ceremony in Ohio. It was a stressful week to say the least, and I haven't even mentioned the stress of the school year coming to a close, which brings mountains of scary State Reports that I have to complete with a "Yes Sir" and a forced smile. Whew!

As I obsessively checked the Friday evening flight, I knew by Thursday that we had a potential problem brewing. We absolutely love our flight benefits, but we also know better than to try getting on a flight over a holiday. Since the graduation was not an occasion to be missed, you better believe I was willing to put myself through the torture of long lines, cranky agents, and 5 girls that suddenly turn into living bumper cars when we are out in busy public places, but I also knew that working a half day on Friday was no longer an option so I took the day off in order to devote all my time to shipping my girls off to Ohio. Now all we had to do was cross our fingers that there would be enough seats left for them all to make the flight!

Friday morning was a busy one as the girls stuffed belongings into suitcases that were never meant to hold so much (I made Emily leave her beloved stuffed dog home because there simply was not enough room!), then we dashed off to get them the last minute outfits and shoes they needed, and all the while they were working so hard on a surprise gift for their Dad's 40th birthday that happens to be in the same month as Father's Day. Perfect! Well, it would have been perfect if the girls weren't born with the same procrastination gene that their mom has... and if the printer hadn't chosen that morning to start printing all color pictures in various shades of purple. No problem! It was only 11:00, their flight was at 4:50, so I went back to the store to get the ink (and the adorable watermelon colored shirt that Abby oh-so-loved!) so they could finish their gift. After handing off the ink to the girls, I decided I had better check the flight again....and that's where things got interesting. Suddenly, there were no more seats available on any of the remaining flights to Cincinnati and the girls were booked on the last flight of the day. I knew that we had one chance to get them to Ohio and it meant dropping everything, right that second, and heading to the airport in hopes of getting on a flight that was scheduled to leave in 2 hours. Apparently I love chaos!

After the mad rush to get to the airport, get through the ticket counter lines, funnel everyone through security (5 kids, 2 laptops and multiple carry on bags= not fun!) and get to the right gate, only THEN did we discover that the flight we were racing to catch was delayed an hour. One thing that drives me crazy is the "hurry up and wait" syndrome. So we staked out a group of chairs, and as the girls settled in, I went to stand in the long line of angry, soon to be marooned passengers who were going to miss their connecting flights due to the delay. I was standing in line so that I could inform the gate agents about Emily's peanut allergy (always a fun conversation when the favorite airline snack seems to be peanuts) but the people in front of me seemed to be in line so that they could take turns verbally abusing the gate agents. I truly felt bad for the harsh way those agents were treated, but as I stood there observing the hostile passengers, I noticed that those angry people were doing us a favor...they were canceling or rerouting their flights and miracle of miracles... the flight suddenly had enough seats for all the girls to fly to Cincinnati! There was no longer a question of which girls would get to go if there were only 1 or 2 seats available and I was relieved that all of our "what if" conversations would not be necessary after all.

An hour after our arrival at the airport, I hugged each of the girls as they left to board the plane. Each of them had to listen to my standard warning of "Be good and behave!" but they also heard that I loved them and would miss them very much. What they didn't see was the tears that flowed freely once they were all on board. It is very unnatural to me to put my kids on a plane and not be there with them. I told Bill that it felt like I had been kicked in the chest by a horse.. I could not breathe and was struggling to avoid making a scene with my sniffling and sobbing. Bill has to endure airport goodbyes all the time when Ashley comes to visit, and I honestly don't know how he isn't more of a wreck.. it sucks to watch your kids walk down that Jetway.

The good news is that the girls have been checking in regularly and they are having a great time. I am grateful to Wendy for inviting them and to their dad for flying out there to supervise and chauffeur. I am sure they are making memories that will last a lifetime! Congratulations Wendy on your High School Graduation!

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Don't let those DIY home improvement shows fool you. Remodeling is hard work - not to mention expensive! We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into years ago when we decided to rip out the perfectly ordinary yard and remake it according to our vision. The obstacles we have met along the way were frustrating at the very least and we also encountered days when Bill and I definitely were not friends because our opinions just didn't match. Believe me, common ground is hard to find when you put two stubborn people on one project, each with their own ideas about the particular order of things.

These days the finish line is tantalizingly close... we actually have grass in our front yard, the deck and both pergolas are amazing, and the mason continues to work on the imported Italian outdoor pizza oven at a snail's pace but still progress can be measured.

I sometimes wonder if I would have had the courage to go through with this ginormous project if I had been able to see the stress that would come with it, but I can honestly say that I am glad we have put in the hard work to carve out a patch of our own. It has taken a lot longer than we planned (Project completion time was never my strong suit.. I once thought it would be a breeze to paint the shed in one day.. LOL we did it but it was an agonizingly brutal day!) and it has cost more money than we anticipated, but it was so worth it!

I am working on digging up some pictures to show a "before and after" of our yard project.. hopefully I will post them soon! For now, it is time to head out to the sitting garden because today is planting day! *side note: we have all been sick this week but no cough or sniffle can keep us from our gardens!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

About teenagers.. and Sarcasm.

I think I will just go ahead and dedicate this post to Carley and Madie because they have me contemplating life a lot lately. Actually, they have me questioning what interstellar being pushed the fast forward button without my permission and sent us racing through the years at warp speed! (Trekkies take note: I am fully aware that the new Star Trek movie opened this weekend and as I watched middle aged moms parade in and out of the school yesterday wearing their Star Trek communicator pins, I was certain my girls would be proud that I have only been to ONE Trek convention in my entire life and to this day I have never felt the need to learn Klingon!) ANYWAY.. as I was saying, Carley and Madie continue to amaze me every day and I am darn proud to be the mom of such high achievers! This week Carley was appointed Key Club publicity officer and Madie was appointed FBLA officer with the job of reporter. Even as I hear the "ka-ching" echoing from my shrinking bank account, I have to admit it is pretty cool that there will be TWO overpriced Layton High officer sweaters draped across various pieces of furniture in the weeks and months ahead. ;)

Looking back, I have to laugh about thinking that the busy years were behind me. Who could blame me for thinking that having five little girls under five years of age was an insanely difficult and zombie-ish time of my life? Back then my days were filled with Huggies, Infamil, and Barney on an endless loop! Side note: to this day, if I even think about a Barney song it will lodge in my brain and torture me relentlessly for hours. This blog alone will cost me some serious sanity points - "If all the raindrops were lemondrops and gumdrops, oh what a rain that would be! Standing outside with my mouth open wide...." Do you hear it in your head? Did it get you too? If I could go back and have a conversation with my younger self, I am certain that I would insist that Beethoven, Rochmononov and Chopin were given at least equal airtime to the Big Purple Dinosaur! My point is that although those days were not completely out of my control, I was certainly not the one dictating how the hours of my days were filled. It was a good day for me if I had time for a shower!

Where is this blog going, you ask? As I type this post, the clock is ticking steadily toward 5am.. I have been up since 3:30am and I think it is because my brain knows I have very little free time on this Saturday of mine. Saturday. This is the day that the working world idolizes. It is the time to set your work-week cares aside and just hang out, right? Right? Wrong! Someone must have removed the "Teenager" chapter from my Life Handbook because I know I would have remembered reading about how my time would once again be sucked away from me, but not by Purple Dinosaurs and speeches consisting of, "Please don't hit your sister over the head with your sippy cup, it's not what nice people do." The Teenager Time Suck is a little different and it goes something like this: Mom, I don't want to stress you out, but the five of us need to be in 40 different locations ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Can you drive us? You weren't doing anything anyway, were you? And right about then my Mom Smile is activated and I agree to do the impossible. All the while, in my head I am trying to sort out the logistics of getting them to and from their destinations on time while trying to maintain some of the errands and appointments that I had previously arranged for my weekend. I have decided that this is exactly why mama birds shove their babies out of the nest. Oh, you want me to go fetch you worms, clean the nest AND pick you up the latest version of "Migratory Birds the Gold Edition", OHMIGOSH! What IS that down there? Look! And then when the curious little birdies give in to their natural curiosity, a little hip bump and they're independent, wildly successful and on their way to providing for their parents' retirement someplace warm. What? It could happen!

Seriously, the insane schedules have done one great thing for me this week... I have finally gotten over my fear of the girls getting their driver's licenses. I actually can't wait for them to be independent drivers if it means I can sleep past 3:30 in the morning! Congratulations Carley and Madie on your Officer achievements this week!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Gardening makes us happy!

Although Sunday brings me one step closer to Monday (which I dislike), I do enjoy Sunday mornings. I take the time to read the news, catch up on the Sunday Post Secret updates, read the tweets I missed during the week, etc. So I thought why not make sure I update this website on Sundays also? It would be the perfect time to blog about the previous week... Well, one can hope anyway.

Yesterday I spent the usual time playing Killer Bunnies with the girls. It is always a blast to sit down and play a vicious, kill or be killed game with my children! (Not even kidding, one of my greatest joys is to inflict Mad Bunny disease on my darling daughters' bunny colonies then sit back and enjoy the whine-fest that follows! AND they love to return the favor every chance they get!) Since it was raining, we couldn't really be outside but I knew that I wanted to go to J&J Nursery at some point because I desperately needed some colorful flowers to remind me that summer is around the bend. So when we saw a break in the storm we knew it was time to dash off with the ten thousand other people who had the same idea!

Something about J&J's just makes me happy! The girls and I wandered around outside, looking at, smelling, and touching all the trees, flowers and plants that interested us and every now and then we also glanced up to see the ominous black clouds that I SWEAR were making "muahahahaha!" chortles instead of thunder! We went inside the greenhouses to find the perfect annuals for our containers (which I had to keep reminding myself was the entire reason we were there!), and we quickly got caught up in the excitement of acres and acres of brightly colored, blooming happiness! In the blink of an eye, my girls were three years old again as they rushed from one flower to the next, gushing about how each flower was more beautiful than the last and breathlessly asking, "OhmigoshcanwegetthistooMom?" Of course, my artist approached with a somewhat keener eye, as she thoughtfully contemplated which combination of colors would blend well in the same potted containers and she carefully selected only the best of each chosen species. I knew we were in trouble when Linz dashed off for another cart because the one we had was full, but by then the rain was furiously trying to get at us through the greenhouse roof, so we knew our only hope of survival was to wait out the storm in the humid warmth of the greenhouses, among the flowers and throngs of people who shared our Great Idea. By the time we finally headed through the ginormous parking lot puddles with our colorful bounty, I knew we had far more than we could plant in the one container that I had in mind at the beginning of our journey, but we had a great time nonetheless! Admittedly, I was a little worried about how I was going to explain the $186 purchase to Bill... I still am not sure how to justify that dollar amount on flowers.. I had some arguments prepared though, such as: "But honey, flowers make me happy.. and when I'M happy.. YOU'RE happy!" As I recall, when he did actually ask me how I paid for it, I quickly changed the subject but not before saying, "Oh come on, admit it.. you love them too!" To which I am certain I saw the corners of his mouth raise in a slight smile beneath those comically frowny brows of his. ;)

The weather gods were kind to us, giving us the remainder of the evening to play in the dirt as we crammed nearly all of those brightly colored flowers into three separate containers. We had such a great time! Now as I revisit the experience, I am reminded of a garden ornament my mom gave me years ago (which has since been demolished and thrown out) that read, "In search of my mother's garden, I found my own." I really loved that inscription because it was so true! Now I find myself sharing my love of gardening with my girls and I can only hope that one day they will pass it on to their own girls as well. Some family traditions are easily upheld.
Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
