Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Recognizing A Good Life

Look around you and notice your surroundings.

I cannot ignore the fact that our family has been given multiple opportunities lately to gain a better appreciation for all of the blessings and conveniences we have in our lives.  Of course we appreciate what we have, but how often do we actually pay attention to the things we have that others do not?

  • Running Water? Check! 
  • Electricty? Check!
  • Shelter? Check!
  • Food? Check!
  • Steady Income? Check! 
  • Good Health? Check!
  • Supportive and Loving Family? Check and DOUBLE CHECK! 
It all began with Jake. Helping that boy opened our eyes to the things we take for granted. Cell phones, cars that work, living in a comfortable home (even if it has quite a few dents and dings) and a family that loves and supports each other no matter what.

Then we went boating and once again we had the opportunity to help strangers. Twice! In both emergencies, my guy sprang into immediate action and saved the day.  Have I mentioned how proud I am of my hubby? The first time we rescued a couple on a jet ski who had no power and were floating aimlessly.. We brought them on board and towed their watercraft to the beach where their group was waiting for their return. The second time, we rescued an older couple who had run out of gas at sunset and the marina was not answering their distress call. It was very cool to hear my sweetheart answer the radio distress call and then watch as all of us took up a vantage point on our boat to search for the disabled boat in need. The couple thanked us over and over for saving them from rowing their boat back to the marina, in the dark. I felt a surge of pride as Hubby told them, "Just pay it forward and help the next person in need."

I find great comfort and security in the fact that I know I am always safe with my hubby. Sure, he may scare me with his maniac from hell driving from time to time, but he never actually wrecks so I remind myself of that.. over and over as I grip the door with white knuckles!  Seriously though, when it comes to vehicles he is a pro! If something wears out or breaks down, he will fix it.  That's why my knight in shining armor was perfect for those strangers on the lake who needed a hero.

To continue our wake up call about gratitude, we watched "God Grew Tired Of Us" the other night. If you haven't seen it, you should stop what you're doing (after you finish reading my blog of course) and rent it from Netflix.  It is a documentary about Sudanese refugees known as "Lost Boys" who escape genocide by walking more than 1,000 miles through the African desert to a refugee camp near Kenya. At a very young age, these boys became caretakers of thousands of other orphaned boys and had to give up their childhood as they took on the roles they never asked for or expected. When some of them had the opportunity to travel to America, they experienced electricty and running water for the first time. As Hubby so eloquently stated, watching this movie was extremely humbling.

We have been given so much. Of course there are things we wish we had, but we do not lack anything we need. Our family is strong and loving and we take care of each other. We know that we have a home to come to each night and an extremely capable husband/father to take care of all of his girls.

Dear Universe,
I am paying attention. My eyes are open wide and I am taking to heart the lessons I am meant to be learning. I am grateful. This family will continue to pay it forward.

Life. Is. Good!

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
