Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Busier Than A Goat In A Petting Zoo!

I don't mean to be a slacker.. I really don't. Please don't be offended that I haven't had time to write a new blog post because blogging isn't the only thing I haven't had time for.

For instance:
  1. I haven't had time to deposit the check that my father in law gave us for Christmas. In fact, I didn't even have time to mention it to hubby so when Father In Law asked hubby about the money, hubby's response was, "What money? I know nothing about this."  OOPS!
  2. I haven't had time to call Summerhays Music store to complain about the fact that I have set up automatic billing for Linzie's violin TWICE now and they are claiming I haven't paid anything. Late fees are stacking up. It's a phone call, Nicole! Get it done already!
  3. I haven't had time to have Hubby's prescription refilled. I need to get this done before the end of the week because that's when our insurance benefits roll over and if I wait until Saturday then I am going to have to PAY for the meds instead of just happily walk away with the free drugs. 
  4. I haven't had time to clean my bathroom.  Okay, it wouldn't matter if I DID have the time, I'd still put this job off. 
  5. I haven't had the time to go to the grocery store to get important stuff like milk, eggs, bread, trash bags.. FOOD.   Sorry, kiddos! (Can't you survive on the candy from your Christmas stockings for at least another week?)
  6. I haven't had time to put gas in the Durango. Even though Hubby gave me money to do this today, I still didn't get it done. At this point it is starting to feel like the yellow gas light is a close, personal friend. Should I WANT to make it go away? 
  7. I haven't had time to make my bed.  Okay, OKAY! Just refer to number 4.. same excuse.
  8. I haven't had time to nag the kids about cleaning their rooms.. somehow I don't  think they really mind.
  9. I haven't had time to write a decent blog with pretty pictures and funny anecdotes about the wonderful family Christmas we had. I was too busy! But because I failed to write that Christmas blog, complete with pictures, please visit my Carley's blog.. once again, she says it beautifully. Click HERE. 
I HAVE had time to count my many blessings. I have a wonderful family who stick together and love each other each and every single day. I HAVE had time to miss Aunt Dottie every single day and ache over too many miles between us. And I HAVE had time to appreciate the fact that I can freeload my girlies' pictures from their blogs when I don't have time to take pics of my own. 

So... what has kept me so busy you ask?  I am dipping pretzels in caramel and chocolate for a January 11th wedding. Angie Bennett was my  first best friend ever (Kindergarten if you can believe it!) and her daughter is getting married. I offered to whip up all of the chocolate pretzel rods and mini pretzels for only the cost of ingredients. There's not a single surface in my kitchen or front room that isn't covered with pretzels in various stages of completion. What the heck was I thinking??  No worries, I'm sure 300 pretzel rods and a gazillion mini pretzels won't take much time to complete....  Thank GOODNESS Carley-boo loves to help me!  


  1. :) Hahaha. Of COURSE we don't mind you not getting after us on cleaning.

  2. Wow - you certainly have been busy. I mean those pretzels weren't just going to dip themselves you know. That Summerhays music thing sounds pretty frustrating. There always seems to be issues with that automatic deposit thing for me.


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
