Sunday, January 16, 2011

Say What?!!

Gemini Sun Sign - Zodiac Signs Taurus Sun Sign - Zodiac Signs

I have recently heard a buzz about how the Zodiac signs have changed. Changed?? How does a Zodiac just change?  The long and short of it has to do with how the Zodiac signs were created based on a star system 3,000 years ago and apparently these gaseous little guys like to move around (who doesn't?) so their position in relation to the Sun, Earth and other objects of considerable mass have, most likely, changed a little bit.

Still with me?  Good, because this is where I explain why this has me vexed.

All my life I have been a Gemini. Born under the sign of Castor and Pollux, I could easily explain away my sudden mood swings, opposing ideas, and wild imagination. Geminis are also intellectually inclined and have a penchant for books because the constant search for knowledge drives them. Sounds good so far, right?  People with the Gemini Zodiac are also full of great ideas (Thinking about situations from at least two points of view... Capisce?) but would rather be part of the team than rush forward to the lead.  Mmm hmm..  I get it, I relate to it, I've BEEN that person for 39 years! I am also a Gemini who married not one, but TWO Geminis, and I have two sets of TWINS!

Face it, there's a duality theme here that's tough to ignore.

BUT! Now with the sudden Zodiac change I'm supposed to just accept  being reclassified as a Taurus. Huh wha?  (How can they suddenly change, anyway? Haven't those trouble-making stars been moving around for thousands of lifetimes?) Now I'm expected to cast off my Twin identity and run with the Bulls? I'm sure there's something in the Gemini Zodiac that explains how I can easily accept long as I have a say in it. And let's not forget that my Hubby, my SOUL MATE, is no longer a Gemini either. Two Tauruses under the same roof? How does THAT work?

Let's examine Taurus a bit.

According to, Taurus is all about reward. Driven not by the love of the game, but rather the rewards of the game, Taurus is all about comfort and excess.  Okaaaay....  The astrology experts go on to say that those born under the Taurus sign are extremely hard working, stubborn and dependable. A Taurus will work themselves to the bone to complete a task and then they'll reap the rewards after the job is done. (Uh oh, this is starting to sound familiar!)

"The great strength of Taurus is in their stability, loyalty and dogged determination. Bulls want to get the job done, and they will. What better way to get the riches they so fervently crave?"

I'm starting to wonder if Hubby wrote this description of himself and paid someone at to upload it for him! Taurus people love all things nature and outdoors... and you should see all of the pictures Hubby has been posting of Lake Powell on his Facebook page this week!  Finally, described as being extremely loyal, paitient and dependable along the way, this whole Taurus thing might be the best description of my Hubby that I have heard in a long time!

But where does that leave our Gemini roots?

When I first mentioned this switcharoo to Hubby earlier in the week, his response was, "I was born a Gemini and I'm staying Gemini!"  I felt the same way! We are not the kind of people that plan our day around a horoscope, and we will be the first to tell you that anyone can see something of themselves in any Zodiac sign.  But still... everyone knows their Zodiac sign, right?  After our birth date, names and a few basic motor skills, I think learning our SIGN was one of the first things we were all taught. It was somehow important to the Universe that we be able to properly identify ourselves Zodiac-ally and we rose to the task.  (I love making up new words, by the way.. another GEMINI trait!)

Not to worry, I have a solution to this astrological conundrum. ("Logical postulation that evades resolution" - For those of you who are learning a new word today.)

I have decided to declare myself Gemini.. and Hubby too.  Luckily for us, being Gemini, we can claim TWO of everything, so we hereby claim to be both Gemini AND Taurus.  How do you like THAT you cosmos tricksters?  By looking at the dilemma from two points of view (Gemini and Taurus) I can accept traits from both Zodiac signs for myself, and definitely for Hubby, and stubbornly work my way through it to the decision that we are not switching signs, but adding a new dimension to our Zodiac identity.

Now, where are those rewards??

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
