Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ode To Spring

You may have noticed the blog got a little spring face-lift today..  The new look is because I am craving springtime! I want to throw the windows open wide and listen to the birds outside my window. I want to begin planning my gardens and daydream of the sun warming my bare feet on the deck overlooking those gardens.  Everything is better in springtime, don't you agree?

When I think of spring, I always hear the poetry of John Keats in my mind. I love the lyrical quality of his work and the way his descriptions paint a picture in my head and on my heart. Springtime wouldn't be the same for me without reading Keats.

John Keats was 25 years old when he died, and he thought himself a failure.
 Four Seasons fill the measure of the year;
    There are four seasons in the mind of man:
He has his lusty Spring, when fancy clear
    Takes in all beauty with an easy span:
He has his Summer, when luxuriously
    Spring's honied cud of youthful thought he loves
To ruminate, and by such dreaming high
    Is nearest unto heaven: quiet coves
His soul has in its Autumn, when his wings
    He furleth close; contented so to look
On mists in idleness--to let fair things
    Pass by unheeded as a threshold brook.
He has his Winter too of pale misfeature,
Or else he would forego his mortal nature. 

Bright Star, Endymion, To Autumn... all of these are wonderful examples of the beautiful works of John Keats.


He is my favorite! (okay... ONE of my favorites!) But if you haven't read Keats then you probably don't understand why I associate the approaching spring with his beautiful poems and sonnets. (don't even get me started on his tragic love story with Fanny Brawne!)

And IF you haven't read his work, then why are you hanging around here?  Go look him up!



  1. When I searched "ode to spring", I randomly jumped into this blog. Ironically, as I found, Keats wrote "Ode to Autumn" instead of spring (although he did claim that spring is his fav)

    Glad to know that there are others who love Keats nowadays~ Have u ever seen the movie" Bright Star" by Ben Wishaw?

  2. You are correct. The poem quoted here is not Ode to Spring, but rather, The Human Seasons. I should have included the title of the poem to avoid confusion.

    Thanks for your comment!


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
