Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm Leaving For The Jet Planes.....

About one year ago this evil witchapalooza, named *DeLunatic Twinks, terminated me from working in hell along side her. I've known some hellish people in my life, but that lady took the cake. When pressed for a reason why she was terminating me, she couldn't think of anything to say. I'm not even kidding.  It may have been because she could use her demon powers to read my mind and she knew that every day I thought she was the most ridiculous waste of breath on the planet. Did you ever see the movie Mean Girls? Yeah, she's like that. She hides behind her MoMo religion, thinking she is all sunshine and halo, but reality is that she is a beast that delighted on being cruel to other people. I wouldn't play her game and for that I was terminated. Hey, works for me.  When I reported it to Workforce Services to collect unemployment, she made up the most laughable lies in an attempt to get my claim denied.  Well, Witchy was the one denied as Workforce Services determined she had no grounds to fire me, even going so far as to tell me she was off her rocker, and I had a nice extended holiday for the next 7 months. You better believe I used every penny of it.  (Thanks for the extended vacay, *DeLunatic Twinks!)

Then one of the airlines was hiring and I applied. I didn't really expect to sail through the hiring process, but I did. I was hired on the spot when I interviewed face-to-face. I should have been thrilled...but I wasn't. I had this dread in the pit of my stomach. I was worried about giving up time with my girlies. I wasn't sure I wanted to work that kind of customer service. I fretted, stressed and even cried a little... ok, more than a little. I knew it was something I had to do, but I felt like it was a prison sentence.  Yeah, I know... and you know what? The Universe decided to teach me a lesson.

Remember that tsunami a while back that did a number on Japan?  Turns out that the airline lost revenue because people suddenly didn't want to travel to an area devastated by Mother Nature. So three days before I was scheduled to start, the airline canceled my position. They said something along the lines of, "We're sorry, you're welcome to apply again in the future."  Crap. I regretted my prison sentence feelings immediately, I honestly did. But the Universe wasn't done with my lesson yet.

Enter Project Google. I applied and was hired immediately. It was another whirlwind of "holy crap, what just happened?!" And I was slapped into a job with a shocking lack of training. But I was working. And I tried to make the best of it. Do you know that the Universe has a sense of humor? I learned quickly that this new company didn't value productivity at all. People all around me asked me to quit working so hard because I was going to get paid the same whether I did my work or not. Yowza! It was not a happy feeling. Before long, I realized that the management was a joke, the big bosses from California were willing to look the other way, and the only thing missing was the shackles. I worked in a pit of despair. But I was happy to be working, and I still worked hard. Too bad I didn't go to under-age drinking parties though, because the people that did go got the promotions. I was biding my time, making my apologies to the Universe, and promising that I would be appreciative of the airline if they'd just open up that position again.

I am happy to report that I gave my two week notice last Wednesday. Buh bye, Google. It was nice knowin ya.. sorta.  I got the call from the airline that I have waited 6 months for and now I am in the right mental state to be happy, excited and appreciative. I'm counting down the days. I won't have to worry about people telling me to quit working hard, the benefits are amazing, and my parents get free flights. It's adorable how excited my Mom is about the free flights! It also makes me feel really good to be able to give something valuable like that to my parents who have always been there for me.

Thank you, Universe, for the valuable lesson. I am ready now. I can do this!

 *Name has been changed because she's that scary. And her whooped man is a lawyer that does whatever she tells him because she stole his pants and she wears them now. He probably doesn't even own pants anymore.

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
