Here are some things I've learned, or revisited recently:
- Letting go of being primary caretaker for my girls is a tough transition, but they are soaring! These beautiful girls have learned all the right lessons and I'm so proud of the way they steer their own lives.
- Just because people assume I'm falling apart doesn't mean I have to make it true for them.
- Sleep is very, very important!
- Having a cell phone in my pocket while chasing a drifting waverunner off shore into waist deep water is not good for the phone. Submersion = loss of phone.
- Putting waterlogged cell phone in a container of rice overnight is a lot like Dr. Frankenstein raising the dead. It's ALIVE!
- Karma is real. I've always known this, but it's nice to see that what goes around truly does come around, even if it takes years to do so. All the more reason to always do the right thing.
- Having a sister that I can call and have a long, emotional conversation with is a lifesaver.
- That saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" is a bunch of crap! Words do hurt. Always choose your words carefully.
- Having a day of outdoor fun is nice, but having a day of doing nothing is sometimes even better.
- Gardening really does soothe the soul.
- Cooking also eases my tension. I've been too tired to do a lot of creative cooking lately and I really miss it.
- Taking the time to play games with my girls, even when I'm exhausted, is something I will never regret. I'm still thinking about a recent night of games with grins and giggles.. I doubt I'd still be thinking about going to bed early that night.
- Sometimes people appear in your life and it feels as though they were meant to be there all along. Having friends that are more like family is precious.
- Nothing is more important than family. Nothing.
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