Thanks, Apple. Because of your "normal" battery, I now have almost no regular internet access. I can tell you that my Dell Laptop never.. I repeat, NEVER did such a "normal" thing! I've learned my lesson though. You can bet my next laptop will not be an Apple.
So.. I need to save for an overpriced laptop battery. But no matter how much I try to put money aside, things keep coming up to take that money away for other things. What things, you might ask? Well, here's a few of the other items/people I have funded recently..
Abby and Linzie turned 16! Can you believe that? I would much rather spend money on their driver's licenses, birthday dinner, and presents than a silly laptop battery!
I loved their balloons this year! I had such a hard time convincing the clerks to let me have two bouquets. Did you know there is a world-wide helium shortage? It's true!
We took the girls to The Cheesecake Factory (a birthday favorite!) for Abby and Linzie's birthday dinner. Emily had to work.. :( so it was just Bill and I plus our two sets of twins. We died laughing when a group of waiters sang happy birthday to the WRONG set of twins! Judging by the picture here though, Carley didn't mind.
My adorable baby girls. Hard to believe they're so grown up! They are driving almost everywhere now and I'm so proud of how responsible they are! I just wish I could have even one more day with their bald baby heads. I don't know what I ever did in my life that was good enough to deserve these two!
Following close on the heels of the birthday was Abby and Linzie's orchestra fund raiser. Believe it or not, I bought $120 worth of chocolate bars from them.. which I see them nibbling on daily. Oh the things we do as parents to support our kiddos!
Birthdays and fundraisers were enough to delay the purchase of a new laptop battery, but then to add insult to financial injury, I found myself in need of an emergency dental procedure last week. I was traumatized because I have always taken such good care of my teeth! Once again, as quickly as I got my head above water, those tricky financial gods took it all away again.
So for now, the battery must wait. There's orchestra dresses to pay for, unexpected furniture purchases to pay off and those ever present medical and dental bills. Being a grown up is so much fun!