Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I Love Him, But He's Delusional

The goal for today is to keep busy, not think and not stress.  Yeah, right!  Unfortunately the entire reason for needing such a goal in the first place is because Hubby is in Atlanta today with his ex.. and with Ashley to have a consultation on her heart issue.  If you've been keeping up with my life lately, you know what a sticky mess that whole situation is.

Not fun.

The last time I saw Hubby was yesterday afternoon as he left for work because he caught the red-eye flight to Atlanta after work. We did talk a bit through instant messaging but really the whole thing was just awk-weird because we were both tense about the situation.  But what surprised me... what really floored me was this comment from Hubby:

"I know what you want for valentines day so here's what I want. Call of duty 4(modern warfare) and call of duty modern warfare 2 for the 360" 

There's a few things wrong with this declaration of Hubby's.  First of all, he hates Valentine's Day. Always has, always will. I can't tell you how many holidays I spent secretly wiping tears away when the day went unacknowledged completely. We even have a Valentine's Day memory that will forever live in infamy.. and that's not a good thing.  Back when I was younger and still held on to romantic notions such as Valentine's Day, I had purchased him a hard-to-find CD that I knew he would love because he had brought up the band more than once over the course of a year. (I paid attention!)  I also bought him a funny/sappy card and waited all day to be able to give it to him.  We weren't married yet, so the whole romantic dating thing should have been a given but he had no such inclinations. He took the CD, left the card unopened and told me he was going out to the bars with his buddy, Steve. Ummm.. excuse me??  Needless to say, I shredded the unopened card and shed more than a few tears that night.  

So we have established that Hubby hates Valentine's Day, and after more than one V-Day debacle, he has more or less convinced me to hate it too. For the past few years I have concentrated on just my girlies for Valentine's Day and that has worked out great! They always appreciate it and they are my five true loves anyway. But the biggest thing that bugs me about his message last night was that he seemed to be phoning in a gift order.  Seriously?? Who does that?   

Valentine's Day, as I see it, is a day for people who love each other to show that love and affection with romantic, loving gestures or heartfelt tokens given as gifts that represent the best loving emotions. Are you with me on this? Based on that, shouldn't the gift be chosen by the giver? I thought so too! 

Here's what I should have typed in response: 

Dear Delusional Man,
You may be cute, but I'm afraid you have your holidays mixed up. Christmas is the holiday that embraces writing letters to Santa, detailing what gifts you'd like him to bring you since you've been such a good boy. Santa then chooses items from those wish lists to deliver to good children on Christmas Eve.  However, Valentine's Day is the holiday for people to choose to share their love with symbolic tokens such as flowers, candy or small gifts bearing sentimental value.  Although I do not deny that I love you, two violent video games are not exactly the token gift I would choose to give on such an occasion.  Although I appreciate your suggestions, I think I can come up with something on my own that will be more suitable.  Thanks!

As much as I believe he completely deserves such a response, I somehow doubt it would have gone over very well.  (things are already tense, remember?) Being put on the spot like that, I lacked a snappy comeback so I'm sure Hubby thinks that his video game order has been placed. 

Here's the actual conversation in it's entirety: 

Hubby:  I know what you want for valentines day so here's what I want. Call of duty 4(modern warfare) and call of duty modern warfare 2 for the 360.
me:  uh....  okaaayy.  But I didn't know I wanted anything for valentine's day.
Hubby Yes you told me the other day. 
(He may be referencing my comment the other day about needing a new Kitchenaid mixer, but I can't be certain about that.)
me:  no I did not.. and if that is what you heard then you heard wrong. 
Hubby That's what I heard. So there. 
me:  besides, you're working on Valentine's Day so I think that cancels the holiday.
Hubby No comprende.

It baffles the mind, doesn't it? Sometimes it is like having another child to raise.. a very naughty child who never listens!
Hubby is serious about his video games. Here he is playing a racing game with my brother and the kids.

PS:  It is almost noon in Georgia and Hubby hasn't even sent me a text to say hello, let alone pass along an update. That sucks.


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  2. Booyah! I got my first spam comment. Does this mean I've been noticed?


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
