Saturday, January 22, 2011


I don't mean to be a total wuss but this virus is seriously kicking my butt!  My head hurts, my skin hurts, my eyeballs feel like they're melting.... (Btw, you don't want to google "melting head" trust me.. don't say I didn't warn you!)  I really hope I don't have that R2D2 flu!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a first class ticket on the ick flight and we have reached cruising altitude.

I have tried the normal routine but the uber magnetic pull of the heating pad keeps me tethered near the bed. No over the counter medicine can soothe quite like my little heating buddy that toasts me past the fever point. Somehow it feels better knowing it is my idea for my body temp to be so high.. take that Mr. Fever!

I did manage to fight my way through the misery long enough to:
  1. Let Emily drive the Durango to her driving lesson. (scary, but I only yelled out once!)
  2. Buy a Kinect for the girls. They love the new games and it's great to see their Ninja moves!
  3. Make dinner with the Hubster.  Green salad and goulash. We may or may not have consumed a few pink and white circus animal cookies on the way home from the grocery store. "tastes like childhood!"
  4. Watch a new episode of Fringe. Ohmigosh! I adore Walter!
  5. Spend some quality time with Carley after she got home from her Art Council Committee volunteer job sometime after 10pm. So dang proud of that kidlet! She was tired but she stuck it out.. and the new gallery opens tomorrow. This deserves a blog post all by itself!
  6. Blog
Now I am in bed, my best friend Mr. Toasty heating up my shoulder blades perfectly, and I'm ready to close my eyes.. I still feel like crap, but at least I can say I had a nice evening with my tribe.

I'll take it!

PS - You know those antibacterial wipes that the grocery store kindly supplies near the shopping carts? USE THEM! I use them all the time because you never know when someone like me will go to the grocery store even though they are too sick to be out of bed.  I didn't touch anything I didn't purchase, I promise!

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    Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
