Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hey Vanna, I'd Like to Buy a Vowel!

I enjoy blogs.  No really.  I REALLY enjoy blogs.  I think part of the reason is because life seems to be stuck on fast forward and blogs remind me that there is (somewhat) normal life out there. Because I work for an online high school, I talk to people all day through IM, text messages, rapid fire emails, Twitter (sad, but true), and Facebook. I have learned how to condense what I need to say into 140 characters or less, and the shocking thing is that this has become normal to me! My conversations have become "convos" and daily I use abbreviations in place of actual words.  *LM, CB, IM , TXT,  BRT, WYSIWYG, OMW, OMG, WTH and my favorite? DRVN - which means, "Please accept my sincerest apologies, but I cannot text you right now because I am driving and it is illegal to text and drive, dontchanno?" (BTW, if you report me to the UHP, I'll deny this ever happens!)

Occasionally it takes me longer to respond to all of the voice mail, instant messages, emails and urgent texts, but DO NOT PANIC if I am MIA!  If you suddenly find me AWOL from TXT, PLZ no SOS or 911. Prob drvn!  BRB!


After a hectic day without my recommended daily allowance of vowels, I love to curl up in bed with my laptop and cruise the blogs.  Why do I love blogs so much?  FULL SENTENCES, PEOPLE! Actual punctuation, vowels, and thoughts that have been completed already. It's enough to make a girl giddy! There's no guesswork involved, no filling in the blanks, and relatively little txt spk. Ooh and look at all of the colorful pictures!  Nice!

So please, for the love of WEBSTER, keep those blogs coming! I want to hear about your weekend shopping trips, lunch with the girls, favorite cupcakery and what you cooked for dinner on Sunday. It is important to me to know that your latest vacation included a plethora of run on sentences and cousin Earl who drinks too much and then won't shut up! If you have an adorable toddler who is learning to crawl, walk, eat from a spoon, or drool enthusiastically, I NEED to read about it.  Consider it exercise for my eyes and a reminder to my brain that words do, in fact, require vowels.  

To all of you bloggers out there, thank you for the time and effort it takes to put your thoughts into actual words. You are my linguistical heros!

*Left message, call back, instant message, text, be right there, what you see is what you get, on my way, oh my gosh, what the hell, driving.

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
