Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Little Punkins

Fall… sweet, blissful, beautiful fall! Sometimes I think that one of the reasons I love fall so much is because you never know what weather you are going to wake up to. Other times, I can’t help but relate to the colorful leaves that seem to scream, “HEY! I’M OVER HERE! OPEN YOUR EYES AND APPRECIATE ME BEFORE I’M GONE!” Yesterday as I drove home in the 35+ mph winds, I was positively giddy over the fact that it was literally raining leaves on my Durango and I smiled as I watched a group of young children squeal with delight as they chased an eddy of leaves through the parking lot while I held up the traffic behind me so they could delight in their fall escapade safely.

*Sigh* Can it GET any better?

Last Friday we excitedly piled into the Durango to head to our favorite local farm for… PUMPKINS! As I watched my teenage girls frolic amongst the brightly colored gourds of happiness, I felt a wrenching pain in my heart. I was instantly transported through each one of the many years of pumpkin celebrations with my little girls and I wondered where the time has gone… I have pictures of my babies holding tiny pumpkins, but because they were tiny themselves, those little pumpkins looked huge! I have pictures of Emily perched happily on top of a pumpkin that had been hollowed out – too bad I couldn’t get a picture of that toddler butt from the INSIDE of the pumpkin… I bet that would have been hilarious! I can hear their sweet giggles as they grossed themselves out with the guts of the pumpkins, see them cringing as they dared each other to put pumpkin slices in their mouths, and I can see them proudly beaming over their freshly hacked creations. Oh girls, thank you… THANK YOU for the memories! I am such a lucky mother to have wonderful girls with whom I can share this great adventure we call life.

So there we were, last Friday evening, at the farm.. The sun was lower in the gloriously blue sky, the weather was perfect and my girls were having a ball! The girls would laugh and squeal over each new and even more perfect pumpkin than the last which they had just put into the little red Radio Flyer wagon.. so I simply could not refuse when they wanted “just one more.” I stood back and snapped picture after picture of the smiles, the laughter and the silliness that ensued and I could have been there all night. I was that happy! Bill joined us about 40 minutes after we had arrived at the farm… and we had already loaded our prized selections into the Durango.. So naturally we had to go back! We wanted our favorite guy to take part in the pumpkin happiness too.. And another 30 minutes and 17 pumpkins later, we headed home – reassuring each other that YES, WE ARE CRAZY!

Right about now you’re probably thinking to yourself, “Geez Nicole! 17 pumpkins… REALLY?”

Yes. Really. And let me tell you why…

When my girls were little and would have bad dreams, they would come into my room at night, tears streaked on their little cheeks, and they would crawl into bed with me. We’d sleep snuggled up for the remainder of the night. I remember a few years ago when I realized that they no longer do that.. I felt like I had been smacked in the face and I thought, “Hey wait a minute! When exactly was the last nightmare incident that had one of my Snuggle Bugs end up in my bed?” And as long as I am asking ridiculous, rhetorical questions, WHY didn’t someone tell me it would be the last time so I could fully appreciate it, and get the full benefit of The Very Last Nightmare Snuggle?

The very same scenario played out for the neighborhood summer nemesis, The Ice Cream Man. When they were little, my girls would take off at an Olympic sprint whenever they heard that creepy tinny music from blocks away. I could hear their little feet thundering through the house as they came at me all breathless and tense and asked me hopefully, “CANWEHAVEMONEYFORICECREAMPRETTYPLEASEHUH?” Take a breath girls! Here’s your quarters now go get sticky! One summer I actually gave them each their own roll of quarters and told them to use it wisely.. make it last.. I actually thought I was teaching them something cool about being responsible. Too bad Abby had already learned how to be generous because she went out and gave all of her quarters away to friends. LOL It is nice that you shared, Abby… but please don’t do that with your future paychecks! Now when the Ice Cream Man circles our neighborhood like a hungry vulture, the girls don’t even blink an eye as the music filters through the house like some horror scene about to play out.. And once again, I ask myself what I would have done.. what I would have thought… if someone had told me, “Hey Nicole, see those adorable little girls out there with ice cream running down their faces? Well, this is the very last time they are going to want to chase the ice cream truck. How do you feel about that?” The truth is that I probably would have cried because I do that a lot as I watch my babies turn into blossoming adults.

So that is why we bought 17 pumpkins! Because next year, or the year after that, or the year after that.. when I wake up one day and realize that we no longer rush off to the pumpkin patch with our grins and cameras ready, I want to be able to say, “Yeah, I remember that and it was OH. SO. COOL!”

By the way - Today is my Sweet Grandma Robinson's birthday. Grandma, I still miss you every day.. still fight the tears that are my constant since you've been gone.. and I will always...ALWAYS love you. Happy Birthday, Beautiful Lady!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I work in the administration offices of a busy K-9th grade school and I get to see a lot of things on a daily basis that are sad, heartbreaking, amazing, gross, funny - you name it. Some of the kids that we work with are inspiring in the way they deal with physical handicaps, medical afflictions, bullies, and even poverty. And some kids make me shake my head as they get sent to the office, day after day, for ridiculous behavior.

I’ll be the first to say that my husband and I have a lot of kids… our very own six pack! How lucky I feel when I stop to appreciate the fact that none of my kids have to check their blood sugar or administer insulin daily, none of them have had to be sent home from school for behavior problems, and none of them have a heartbreaking home life. In fact, these girls have always been at the top of their class, are the first to offer help to anyone in need, and they always… ALWAYS stick up for the underdog.

My office is front row to a lot of drama. The daily parade can be any combination of sick kids, clothing emergencies, medicine dispensing, first aid, poor choices, and sometimes just rotten luck. What I don’t often get to see in my office are the kids that shine, the ones who are straight A students that are busy setting good examples and preparing to make the world a better place. But I know those kids are here.. just as my kids are at their schools… quietly noticed, but mostly undisturbed by the office staff because they’re the good kids.

To my girls, and all the great students out there, I want to say -Keep it up, Good Kids, we know you’re out there!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What makes me happy

Carley says this blog is one of very few words. Maybe she's right. But there are some times that pictures speak louder than words, and there are some pictures that sum up everything I feel. This blog is mostly visual...

I am one very lucky person. Lately I have been feeling overwhelmed with gratitude for all of the things in my life that are so wonderful and right up at the top of that list is my family.

I grew up in some pretty cold and extremely persistent shadows. I don't mean that in a "poor me" kind of way, but it was a desperately hard life filled with so many things I couldn't seem to do well enough. And then, almost 17 years ago, I finally got it right and stepped out of those shadows for good. From the moment I looked into their innocent little eyes, I knew my life had changed for the better and I was determined that my girls would never have to live their lives in anyone's shadow. I have made it my goal to give them every ounce of love that I have to offer.. to teach them that they each have so much to give... and they have not disappointed me.

My girls fill my heart with happiness. I am so proud of all that they accomplish and how hard they work at everything they do. These sweet girls are loving, kind and generous beyond measure. Somewhere along the way I did something great to deserve these people in my life. They are my biggest challenge and my greatest joy.

Just when I didn't think it could get any better than a life lived with my 5 best friends, this incredible man and his beautiful girl walked into our lives and just like that we became a family of 8. Once again I find myself giving thanks for all the beauty in my life.

My family. My life.

Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
