Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor (Day) of Love

After months of working 18 hour days, I gave myself permission to take a breather. Although "breather" may be a stretch considering I'm still sick! In spite of sounding like my voice box has been removed Mortal Combat style, I spent some quality time with the people I love the most and that is all that truly matters.

I had the best intentions to go pick tomatoes on Friday, immediately following work, but by the time my work day ended I didn't feel up to getting down and dirty at Day Farms. I came home to the sha-weet surprise of baked potatoes and pit-grilled steak. Nice! I love it when the hubby cooks on his days off! Now I really didn't want to go pick tomatoes so I twisted the arms of my family members and then dragged them to a movie with me. Dinner and a movie with the whole family... does it get any better?

Up bright and early on Saturday, I went for my manicure and then decided to get down and dirty by picking tomatoes for my annual Labor Day Weekend canning-fest. Of course I dragged any willing body with me to the picking fields. After an hour of picking and destroying my freshly manicured nails, we had about 60lbs of tomatoes just begging to be peeled and stuffed into jars! We even discovered that chicks grow in tomato patches! 

Too bad Bill forgot he had put the chick on his truck seat for safekeeping...he sat on it! 

Later that day we finally replaced the busted dishwasher that refused to run it's rinse cycle anymore and while we were at RC Willey's we had Abby and Linz test drive the beds they are getting for their birthday on September 27th. It seems like they were still sharing a single crib just yesterday! My babies are growing up! We wrapped up Saturday with a sunset drive and Frank Caliendo. We were still laughing when we finally went to bed!

My girls have been great about letting me dust off my photography skills to take pictures of them in various locations. I haven't been a professional photographer for years, but I still have a passion for it. On Sunday we headed out to Antelope Island for some Buffalo sightseeing and some creative portraits. Our feet are hating us for the torturous trip down the rocky sand dune, but I think the pictures were totally worth the pain... don't you agree?

Carley was having an off day and was not prepared to have her picture taken, so I don't have any singles of her but she promises to be at our next photo shoot at the Ogden Train Station. Thank you for letting me take your pictures, girls!

My tomatoes are still waiting for me so it is time to walk away from the computer, but it has been a fantastic weekend and more adventures are coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Ogden train station would be a great place for a photo shoot. I love these photos though. Great job.

    Good ol' RC Willey's. A day there is always interesting.


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
