Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Never Completely Grown Up

Sunday evening was bliss.  After playing Kinect with the girlies for hours, I sort of wandered up to my room to attend to my Sunday evening routine. I was putting away laundry and getting ready to change the sheets on the bed. This is a weekend routine that I really enjoy. Nothing beats the comfiness of a freshly made bed! My favorite part about it is plopping down on the perfectly smoothed comforter, a mountain of pillows behind me and my laptop nearby so I can happily surf some favorite blogs.

See? Bliss!  But wait, it gets better!

It wasn't long before Carley found me. Carley also loves a freshly made bed.  As I surfed blogs, Carley picked up my iPod touch and began to play one of her favorite games with it.  Somehow I ended up on iTunes and began to explore the music for sale there.  Previously, I was one of the bad people who downloaded buckets of free music from Limewire. Yeah, yeah, I know it was wrong.  Anyway, since Limewire no longer exists I have given in to the limitations of actually paying for my music. The problem is that I find this type of music browsing extremely addictive and I end up buying more than I should. It didn't help that one of my besties was right there on the freshly made bed with me... and she loves music as much as I do.... and she was encouraging me to keep buying the tunes that made our toes tap.

This toe-tapping, music buying frenzy went on for hours.  About four hours to be exact.

The evening was fun and restorative. I felt happy and at peace with my surroundings. This was a big deal to me! We reluctantly decided it was time for the girlies to call it a night and head to bed shortly before 10PM.  Around our house, the process of going to bed includes braiding hair (for the perfectly crimped look), brushing teeth, and saying "Goodnight" at least 4 separate times each... so it takes at least 30 minutes for the kidlets to actually get to their rooms once the "Time for bed" prompt has been given.  I had no idea that the normal routine was about to take a turn for the goofy!

Carley had just finished braiding Linzie's hair and was preparing to head to her room when she noticed my Homedics therapeutic massager on the floor next to the bed. I originally purchased it about 11 years ago after I had three back surgeries in 6 months.. sometimes it is the only thing that can help ease the constant pain that I still endure.  Truthfully, I hadn't even had it out of the closet for many years because I had tucked it back behind a bunch of random shoe boxes and thought I must have accidentally given it away. 


Carley picked up the massager and said something along the lines of, "What IS this thing?" I explained to her what it was and told her to try it out. She was skeptical... it does look a bit intimidating.  I grinned as she carefully put it against her arm and then busted out laughing at the look of heaven that came over her.  She declared it the perfect treatment for her tired artist's hands!  I told her if she thought that felt good then she should try putting it on her back and THAT is how the hilarity began!

My goofy girls began running it up and down each others' backs, cracking up when one person would curl into a ball as it reached their ticklish necks. Suddenly they were acting like they were four years old again, reaching and grabbing it away from each other and oh how we laughed! I watched them bounce it on their noggins, turn their voices robotic by placing it on their backs or throat, and they died laughing when they realized if they placed it just right then their vision would get rattled.

So much for bedtime!

The playfulness and gut laughing went on for at least 30 minutes. Each time someone new would wander into the room to see what all the noise was about, the games would start anew.  I was enchanted by my teenage girls giving me a glimpse into their past. Without realizing it, they were reenacting what they used to do when they were little. In the process of shedding their little selves for more grown up versions, they had forgotten they were intrigued by the same object more than 10 years earlier and their antics were nearly the same. I loved seeing their "little" personalities again!

These girls are my heart and my happiness!
It was a perfect end to a perfect evening. We downloaded and shared great music, laughed until we were sick, and completely enjoyed each others' company.  That is my favorite kind of evening!

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
