Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Language Do You Speak?

I'm in a better place lately. Know how I can tell? I'm writing again. When I came back from Massachusetts, I was bummed... depressed really. And by that I mean, REALLY DEPRESSED.  I have regrets about that trip and I have had to find a way to be able to live with those regrets. There was too much to do and not enough time. But we made the journey and our lives were enriched. Now I just have to start planning better for next time. Less sightseeing, more quality visits. That's the way I like it.

So to pull myself out of the funk, first thing I did was get myself a new job. (Yay!)  I have five days left at Project Google and I am anxious to get out of there. Anxious doesn't even cover it really. I'm wasting away in a horrible work enviornment out there (foul-mouths, sexual harassers, and lazy scumbags are the typical co-worker there.. and the management does nothing about it!). I wish I could run away at top speed! But I'm doing my best to do the right thing.. Stick it out to have the proper two weeks notice complete. After that it's adieu, adios, aloha, arrivederci, auf widersehen, au revior, cheerio, cheers, ciao, farewell, good-bye, shalom, kiss my butt, and SAYONARA!

While I wait for the new jobbie job to start, I moved on to the second step to pulling myself out of the blahs. I want to continue to better myself and learning and growing are part of my core being. So, after some incredible words of advice from my little sis, I picked up the book "The 5 Love Languages" in hopes of getting to a new level of understanding humanity the Hubs. So far, I have not been disappointed. This book isn't just for marriages.. oh no! I have a new understanding of my parents, my children, and other important people in my life as well.  I can't tell you how many shouting matches Hubby and I have had where each of us wants to tear our hair out because the other one just doesn't seem to get the point we're trying to make. I thought he was stubborn, bull-headed, and just plain lame-o for not understanding something so simple. I just want to be loved, okay?

He loves me. He really does. I know now that we speak different love languages. He has told me before that his way of expressing love is by doing things around the house. He cooks, he cleans, he fixes cars and other random broken stuff. He rushes off to help my siblings whenever he is needed, and he picks the kiddos up from school when I am unavailable. Don't get me wrong.. I have always appreciated these wonderful things about him. I just wanted to hear the words too.. yanno? 

I speak the Love Language of words of affirmation and physical touch. I'm a hugger! I want to hold hands, snuggle up close and hug for every occasion. It's true! Just ask my girlies how often I dish out the love around here. You make me smile and you better believe you're gonna get hugged!  I also believe in outwardly praising people for a job well done, for taking the extra time to go above and beyond, and for practicing kindness in every day living. I can't get enough of the powerful words of praise. If I appreciate something you've done, I WILL tell you, and then I WILL hug you! I will also give you anything I have if you need it more than I do. Those are the things that make my life worth living.

So what was the problem?  Hubby and I weren't speaking the same language. He was frustrated because I was frustrated. He was showing his love in his native language, the same way I was. But our messages were getting lost in translation and we began to feel adrift. Adrift is not a lifestyle I can live with, folks. Consequently, I had a few really rough weeks where I questioned everything, considered major changes, and kept coming back to the same conclusion. He is my best friend. I will fight until there's nothing left to fight for.

Because of this incredible book, our edges have softened. The lightbulbs are on and life is peaceful again.  I appreciate the fact that his Love Language is acts of service and I think he understands my language better now as well. Love is a choice.  I choose every day to work hard for it and to constantly improve myself so that love will be lasting and ever-growing.

Yep, once again I'm a happy, content girl. 

Click here to find out what your Love Language is!

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
