Friday, December 18, 2009

Carley and Madison

I've been thinking a lot lately about how much my life has changed and the most important changes began 17 years ago with the birth of my first two daughters. I definitely had no idea what I was in for when the doctor told me I was having twin girls. I was young (21), excited, and oh so naive! I eagerly awaited their arrival and imagined getting to know the two little strangers who would one day become two of my best friends.

The afternoon they were born was cold and snowy. We had so much snow that winter that we literally had to walk through a snow cave to get out of our apartment and to the car. We were at the hospital around 3pm and had to wait around until 5:50 but then it all happened quickly. Doctors, nurses and parents all getting ready for an early Christmas gift!

At 5lbs 11oz, Madison was born first and she didn't cry much. I heard a little bit of crying but mostly squeeking. At 5lbs 4oz Carley was born only a minute later and she was so quiet. She looked around the room and then rubbed a tiny fist over her eyes and went back to sleep. Already, little boo was bored and figured she'd sleep until things got more exciting.

I remember that Madison looked at me through eyes that seemed old and wise. And I wished she could tell me what she was thinking. I had the feeling that if I could communicate with her, she would have wonders and secrets to share with me. She had this adorable little smirk that let everyone know she knew things that we didn't... She still does that to this day!

Next they bundled Carley up and handed her to me in bed. She had the biggest blue eyes! I held her closely as they wheeled me to the recovery room where EVERYONE was waiting! Grandparents, Aunts, cousins, NINE people waited to meet the babies! In this age of Swine Flu and RSV, that would never in a million years happen now!

It was chaotic in that room and I was shaking from morphine. But the whole world stopped when my mom told me that Carley was blue! Panic struck me harder than I had ever felt it before. I remember pushing the nurse call button over and over but it had not been hooked up. I heard someone yell for the nurse who came running and took Carley away.

In a room full of people, I cried out of fear and a feeling of helplessness. I had been a mom less than an hour and I didn't know how to handle the fear that I felt for my little baby.

Later they told us that Carley had quit breathing and kept forgetting to breathe every few minutes. They took her to the NICU where they hooked her up to multiple IVs and monitored her breathing very closely. It was also discovered that she couldn't stay warm. To this day, my Carley loves her blankets and sweatshirts... she started that from day one, I believe.

A few days later we all went home together. I began the long, and sometimes difficult, process of learning how to care for two little people. Carley was a snuggle bug who insisted on being held constantly or she would cry. Madie was quiet and liked to check people out. I always felt that she was studying the world - as if she had to learn as much as she could, as quickly as possible.

My girls, my heart.

The years brought so many challenges and even greater happiness. I watched Carley's budding art interest (walls, doors, furniture, any surface would do!), and I watched Madie continue to study the world around her. Madie loved working on the computer with her dad, and her favorite word was, "why?"

My first two daughters taught me about mothering. In an instant they transformed me and it was no longer about me. I would do anything for them and over the years I made what sacrifices I could to ensure their happiness. They have not disappointed me!

Carley, you are a quiet soul who thinks of the world in artistic ways. You find beauty in color, light, and texture... all of the things that the great artists discovered and explored before you. I love how you are a Mama Bear in training. I see you figuring out how to negotiate peace and how to care for those around you and it makes me so proud. You are determined,courageous and kind. Those qualities will take you far in this world. Never lose your compassion and keep exploring!

Madie, ever the scientist... I know you love it when you get to teach me something new - but you know what? You have been teaching me about many things for the past 17 years! You have taught me about life! Knowledge is your strength and your passion. Use it to continue to do great things. I am so proud of all of your accomplishments and for the way you seek out new challenges. Don't ever let setbacks keep you from exploring. Learn and grow from all things around you and you will always be successful.

My girls, you are the very foundation of my soul. I can't remember what I ever did without you in my life! Thank you for making me a mother 17 years ago... and every day since then! Through you I have experienced the joys of childhood and I have looked at everything through new eyes. You have been my redemption and I am so lucky to be your mom! I love you both so much!


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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
