Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tweety Birds

Tweeting used to mean something entirely different when I was a kid. Undoubtedly, it meant that summer vacation was upon us and if I could hear "tweeting" then I'd overslept my crack of dawn internal alarm clock and I needed to get moving because 7AM means get outside and have some fun! I'd leave the house right after breakfast and not be seen again by my family unit until dusk. All you children of the 70's know what I'm talking about. Am I right, or what?

But not now. Nope. Nuh uh. Play outside? But it's c-uh-old out there!

The70's happened a long time ago and these days birds are for the birds, if you know what I mean. So what exactly does tweeting mean in our modern technopia?

Wikipedia has redefined the word for us uber technical modern types.
Tweet: A micro-blog post on the Twitter social network site, or the act of posting on it. Each post is referred to as a tweet, and the act of sending a tweet is referred to as tweeting.

Look out, Tweety Bird, you're so old school!

There are some days when I have pretty decent conversations with my kiddos via tweets and I am actually grateful to know what's up with them. When you think about it, it's pretty genius. In 140 characters, or less, tell the world what's up with you. 140 because in our fast paced world of "gotta get there like 5 minutes ago, so hand me another latte and stand back" if you go beyond your word limit then you're talking to someone's vapor trail.

Just think about the time that could be saved and put to better use if corporate meetings were conducted by tweets! And how about that State of the Union Address coming up tomorrow? Twitter politics anyone? Thanks for the brief tweet, President Obama, now back to our regularly scheduled programming!

Nice. A girl can dream!

Seriously though, I was just pondering how this bit of technology has changed my personal life and brought my kids closer to me throughout the day as we each go about our own daily patterns. We even communicate with Ashley, in Georgia, on a regular basis via Twitter! Beyond that, there's a completely different layer to how Twitter affects my daily life because I happen to work for an Online High School that uses Twitter in a professional capacity. Very cool!

So tweet away! The day has started and there's information that NEEDS to be exchanged. What are you up to? What interesting things have you seen today? Have YOU squished a spider on your locker lately? If so, the world wants to know about it!

A sampling from my Tweet collection:

BinzaBear- Strawberry orange banana smoothie! Yum! :p

mads_the_kat- Calculus hurts my brain.

BinzaBear- Just had to squish a spider on my locker... I am now grossed out... Ewww

JayBabeAbby- I got a 4.0 for the first time in my life! :D

Shlaberry3- Watching the lion king 1 1/2 in science because we are learning about producers and consumers :) yay

Artistryomen213- The crayola slipped into my prismacolors when I wasnt looking! Rude!

mads_the_kat- I love the way my hands smell after peeling an orange.

Nikole928- Brightly colored helium balloons = Happiness :)

AgonyInEcstasy- @postsecret Just what I've always wanted, a toaster I can check facebook on!

Shlaberry3- Just accidentally ate an ant HOLY NOMILICIOUSNESS!

Artistryomen213- I am completely amused. The newspaper class decided that they want a pet goldfish. The teacher said yes.

Nikole928- Spending the day with my little girl at PCMC for her cardiology check up. An amazing girl, and an amazing team of docs. Life. Is. Good!

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
