Sunday, June 27, 2010

Helpful Tips For Being A Successful Human

You may laugh at the title of this post, but take a minute to think about the people you have met in your lifetime that are NOT successful humans. I know you have encountered at least one. Those type of people never learned the fine art of giving service, sacrificing for others, and never ever stomping on someone else's happy feet.  Sound impossible?  I will admit that it is something that we must work toward, every single day... but I promise you the journey is worth it.  Every. Single. Minute.

Here are some things I have learned along the way that I truly believe help me be more successful at being a good human.

  • Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. We all do and say ridiculous things from time to time. If you take yourself too seriously, you will miss out on the joy in life. 
  • The gifts you give to others should be the very best you have to give. If you bake two loaves of bread, choose the best one as a gift for someone else. Keeping the best for yourself will not enrich your life by much. 
  • Tell people around you how much you love them each and every day. You will feel joy in sharing love and they will feel joy by receiving your love. Love is one of those things that you never run out of, so don't hoard it. Give it away! 
  • Cry.  I often think about the fact that we as humans have this amazing ability to express grief, anger, sadness and joy with our tears. This is a gift! I love sappy movies, laughing until I cry, and showing my vulnerable side to my family in times of grief. I usually feel better after a good cry also. 
  • Greed will get you nowhere. This is a big one, especially for those people who let their greed hurt someone else. I have experienced this firsthand and it changed my life forever. (The other person ended up taking possessions from my family and that was the end of our relationship.) I promise you there is no material possession worth destroying relationships. Things are unimportant. People are the most valuable of all treasures!
  • Dance! I have zero rhythm but I don't let that stop me. When I am feeling silly and break into a happy dance, the girls will laugh themselves sick. And it is so worth it! They always reward me with, "Oh I love you, ChaCha!"  See what I mean?  Worth it! 
  • Ask people about their lives and listen to the stories they tell you. There are riches beyond measure to be found by paying attention to lives around you. Personal histories are rarely found in libraries, so if you don't take the time to learn them while you can, those stories could be lost forever. 
  • Be kind.  Even though this is #8 on the list, it is actually my number one rule. My family has heard me many times telling them to practice kindness. We all make mistakes, and we all get frustrated, but there is no excuse to be unkind to people. In fact, people will learn more from kindness than they will ever learn from harsh words or gestures. 
  • Don't put things off for the future. I also feel strongly about this one. Whenever someone tells me that "someday" they want to travel, or "someday" they will do something for themselves, I tell them not to put it off if at all possible. I feel this responsibility especially when it comes to my children. It is my responsibility to give them experiences now, not someday. It might be harder to afford things doing it this way, but again it is worth it. 
  • Read. Anyone who knows me will tell you that books are my passion. I love to read a good book and experience life in ways that I might not otherwise. I have always told my girls that reading will make them smarter without even realizing it. Spelling, grammar and even thought processes are improved by reading. (Now don't judge my writing mistakes here.. I never claimed to be perfect and I don't have an editor!) 
  • Celebrate the successes of others. Jealousy is a greedy beast and it will consume anyone it gets its hooks into. We all feel envy and jealousy from time to time but never, ever give in to it or it will steal your happiness. 
  • Sing! My girls and I love to sing!  At home, in the car, playing cards, boating, EVERYWHERE. We love our imperfections and we sing together because it generates happiness. None of us will be on American Idol any time soon but we don't let that stop us. Music is happiness so embrace it! 
  • Spend time with those you love. My only lasting regret is for time I can never get back. Don't take friends and family for granted. Make that phone call, host a dinner party, meet at the park and sit on a blanket while you talk and laugh. Time is precious and should never be wasted. 
  • Be grateful. Recognize all the gifts in your life and give thanks when it is due. Showing appreciation is not optional in my home. When people do something nice for you, acknowledge them and watch them smile. You probably just made their day and it didn't cost you a dime. 
  • Give someone a gift for no reason. Don't wait for holidays to do something special. Giving gifts will make your heart soar and will also uplift the person receiving your gift. Happiness is contagious! 
  • Blog. Write in a journal if you prefer. But keep it positive! Record the memories and the happy times in life and revisit them often. Share it with others so that they can share your experiences. Always remember that words are the record we will leave behind long after we are gone. How do you want people to remember you? Write it down
  • Take pictures. Pictures are precious to me. I love to go back and visit those moments in time and I love to share them as well. How lucky we are to live in this age of technology where we can take and delete pictures at whim! Snap away, you've got nothing to lose! (But hold on tight to your memory cards!)
Last but not least, BE HAPPY! Share your happiness with everyone around you. It is contagious and by sharing it you will gain far more than you ever could alone. Love, Strength and Happiness... it's a good family motto!


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
