Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy 100th!


 In honor of this being blog post 100, I thought I would put together a rockin' awesome list of 100 things that make me happy. After writing this list, I quickly discovered that I could list way more than 100 things!

Here they are in no particular order (After number one, that is!):
  1. My Family - of course they have to be number one. What kind of crappy list would I make if my peeps were below the pinnacle?
  2. Being married to my best friend
  3. Damp, brightly colored fall leaves
  4. Pumpkin Patches
  5. Canning Tomatoes
  6. Jammies
  7. Chick Flicks
  8. Hot Chocolate  
  9. My older brother, Roger (Seriously the smartest dude I have ever met!)
  10. My little sister, Missy
  11. My little brother, Tyler
  12. Antiques
  13. BBQ evenings with family
  14. Fourwheeling
  15. Boating
  16. Photography
  17. Curling up on the couch and having great conversations with Besties.
  18. Glee
  19. Having a hubby who can fix anything!
  20. Good books
  21. Watching giant flakes of snow fall while being all snug and cozy in the house. 
  22. Playing Christmas music on the day after Thanksgiving.
  23. Rain
  24. Apple trees
  25. Old movies
  26. Pumpkin Spice lotion
  27. Norman Rockwell towns
  28. Making a meal out of finger foods on New Year's Eve
  29. Puzzles
  30. Stephen King
  31. Singing loudly in the car
  32. Parents
  33. Talented children
  34. Spontaneous lunch dates
  35. Gardening
  36. Snow capped mountains
  37. Thunder that cracks so loudly that it shakes the windows. 
  38. Dragonflies
  39. Traveling
  40. Sunflowers
  41. Salon fresh hair
  42. Holding hands
  43. Making fudge
  44. Yummy scented candles
  45. Car washes with rainbow, almond scented soap. 
  46. Leaves swirling on the pavement, caught up in unseen vortexes. 
  47. Sea Turtles
  48. Getting lost in new cities. 
  49. Walking barefoot across lush, green grass. 
  50. Snorkeling
  51. Rental cars
  52. Sisters that understand 
  53. Old bottles
  54. Guardian Angels
  55. Honeysuckle
  56. Made up words
  57. New Socks
  58. International dinner nights
  59. Sobbing over a movie
  60. Tender kisses
  61. Hummingbirds
  62. Big, fat bumblebees
  63. J&J Nursery
  64. Gardener Village
  65. Wonderful Aunties
  66. Crackling fires on cold evenings (Still can't believe I bought a house without a fireplace!)
  67. Sprinklers
  68. My sweetheart's hands 
  69. Anniversaries
  70. Motorboat kisses on the back of my neck (Thanks sweetie!) 
  71. Love
  72. Big, fluffy towels
  73. Swimming
  74. Text messages that make me smile
  75. Snorts of laughter
  76. Yuffas
  77. Gel Pens
  78. Amazon.com
  79. Coming home
  80. Blogs
  81. Christmas Eve
  82. Finding $20 in a jacket pocket the first time I wear it in the fall.
  83. The Pottery Barn magazines
  84. RC Willeys
  85. Recalling something funny and laughing about it hours later
  86. Strength
  87. Pearl Harbor
  88. Boston and memories of Grandma
  89. Cherry  pipe tobacco smoke (memories of Grandpa)
  90. Silver dollars
  91. Happiness
  92. Giving the perfect gift
  93. Baby pictures
  94. Book stores
  95. Chocolate licorice
  96. Pillows and blankets arranged just right
  97. Quilts
  98. Visiting
  99. Getting packages in the mail
  100. Daughters

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
