Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Putting Meaning In The Holiday

Take a look at the group photo at the top of this page... now look back at me..  Yes, I am still sane!  Those young ladies were quite a handful when they were younger, but Christmas with them has always been absolutely magical!

I remember the year Carley and Madi were born. There was no money for tree ornaments, so I patiently hot-glued dozens of festive ribbons on pine cones and tied raffia bows that would be strategically placed to make the tree look abundantly decorated.  I was so busy with one week old twins that Christmas was barely a blip on the radar that year, but it was the last time in my young mothering career that it would be a non-event. 

Try to imagine a house with five little girls under the age of five.  Every day had a different form of chaos, but I wouldn't trade those memories for all the money in the world. Christmas meant erecting a baby gate to encircle the tree that the excited toddlers pulled down more than once in their attempt to climb it. That's right, our tree was literally fenced in!  My sweet girls would stand at the gate, their heads barely clearing the edge, and they would ooh and ahh over the strangeness of having a tree inside the house.

Back then, shopping for my little ones meant finding every girlie Fischer Price toy available and baby dolls were always treasured. There were years when I would hunt high and low for the elusive Tickle Me Elmo or another hot, yet impossible to find toy. Oh, how times have changed! Now it's the age of teenagers which translates into electronic gadgets, makeup, and "Don't even think about buying clothes for me, Mom, because you'll get it all wrong!"  ;)

I've had the opportunity to rethink a lot of things this year and I'm so fortunate to have the loving support of my family every step of the way. There may not be a frenzy of gift buying but there will be plenty of time spent together and that is what we truly treasure.

It's no surprise that my girls have been excitedly planning thoughtful gifts for people who won't be expecting them, but I still get that surge of pride when I see it happening. These girls are beautiful and strong and oh-so-loving! Our circumstances have been really tough lately and I know there are so many things they would like to have for themselves, yet they always put others first by demonstrating that the best gifts are the ones we give to others.  Material means may be limited, but their hearts overflow every single day. They are an inspiration to me!

Looking back through our Christmas photos, amid the paper, boxes and shiny trinkets I can see the same gifts given time and time again - Love, Strength, and Happiness. You can't order those things and you won't find them on any store shelf.  But if you take the time to truly value those around you, always treat others with kindness, and share the love in your heart then those gifts will be yours in abundance.

So although this year sort of feels like a trip to Whoville and the Grinch is out to get us, she can't win.  My family is so much stronger than her twisted need to hurt people for her own entertainment and no matter what, there will be love and laughter on Christmas morning (and every other day of the year).

Take that, Grinch! 

(It's been confirmed that she stalks our blog.  Maybe she should read my post on Kindness.)

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
