Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Men Are From Mars?

Can someone please explain men to me? Not like that, I have a working understanding of that.  What I really would like clarified is why it feels like us women have to constantly babysit our men because of something they might do/break/donate to the thrift shop when we aren't looking.

Now if my Hub-eyond reads this, he is going to be upset because, in his defense, he is an amazing guy! He cooks, cleans (if he feels like it) and he keeps our cars close to tip top shape! Like I said, amazing. However, there was that episode last week where we actually argued before he went to work because he wants to install an exposed beam ceiling in our (most-definitely-not-rustic) contemporary house. I tried to explain to him why this wouldn't work but he did not get it and then he quickly moved on to how he wants to install a fireplace in our family room which would mean the chimney would have to come up through our bedroom/bathroom. Why am I the only one who sees this as a problem??

My guy is a fabulous cook! This is his homemade deep dish pizza from last week. YUM!
Carley and I tried to explain PMS to him the other night. No joke! The way I figure it, my guy lives with 6 women at any given time and he deserves to have a little insight to help him navigate, right?  Hubby couldn't comprehend the fact that it could happen at any time.. he was stuck on the "Pre" part and said that it HAS to come and go according to the "Pre"fix. Oh my goodness how we laughed! Right about the time he threw his hands in the air and said, "You know what? NO! I don't want to know anything about this. MEN don't need to talk about this!" I laughed and told him that our conversation was going to end up on the blog.

(He also happened to be wearing my fuzzy slippers at the time, which somehow made everything even more hilarious!)

As great as he is though, he (and seemingly every man I know) has really left me scratching my head in the past. Like when he weed whacked my flowerbed because "it would be easier to plant new than to weed between the plants" or when he donated my nearly-new ultra high speed VCR to the thrift shop without telling me and yet he collects random scrap junk in his shop in a way that would make Templeton proud!  My sweetie gives away televisions, couches and washing machines too! (All working condition) But he has not one but TWO garbage disposals sitting on a shelf in his shop. It's enough to drive a person crazy!

Thankfully I have figured out that he gets bored in the winter and I no longer let him talk me into random demolition projects around the house. Seriously! One year he relocated the tiny deck landing off of our kitchen doors because he thought the stairs would look better going the other way. If he tried to relocate our $10,000 deck now, he'd lose limbs for sure! There's also the as-yet-unfinished family room included in his winter blah projects. Mismatched paint on the walls and ceiling and the unfinished wooden trim around the ceiling have now been there so long that I'm sick of it and it needs to be redone. And now there's paint sitting in my living room for the window project he wants to start. I'll let you know how long the paint sits there before anything happens. ;)

I was talking to my mom yesterday and asked her what it is about our men that has us keeping a constant eye on them to keep them out of trouble and to keep the household mishaps to a minimum. She had no explanation but offered up a few doozy experiences of her own with my dad. Husbands, fathers, brothers... it doesn't seem to matter what their age, they all have this mystifying ability to make us wonder what the heck they were thinking!

As I sat there in my mom's kitchen on Superbowl Sunday talking about our men and the silly things they do, I could only ask her one thing...

"Do you think they feel the same way about us??"

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
