Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Scholarship Details

The final scholarship application has been mailed and now that the hard work is done, I have Carley's permission to show you some of the cool things she included in different applications. I am so proud of both of my graduating kiddos!

Division of Visual Arts Scholarship Application
For her art department scholarship application, Carley was asked to submit an essay explaining one of her art pieces. She chose her Angel painting and this is what she said:

In the past I have worked extensively with pastels, colored pencil and chalk. I wanted to create something different using the monotype technique which often results in blots of ink rather than hard, defined edges.  I am happy with the results I achieved by blending different artistic techniques in order to illustrate the piece the way I imagined it.
I layered the scripture pages in collage form to visually mimic the chaos of a multitude of voices speaking at the same time. Using a monotype technique with oil paint, I created the focal outline of the angel. Using turpentine, I blurred edges and lightened the oil paint to add shadow to the shape of the angel’s arms and wings. Color was used only as an accent, the earth tones intentionally muddied, which added to the feeling of fatigue and anguish. Finally, I added a layer of decoupage to protect the delicate background and to add a texture to the piece that would imitate brush strokes on a painting.
When I first conceptualized this painting, I thought of using scripture pages as the background because religion is the foundation of so many people’s lives. The angel image is based on well-regarded sculptures that are commonly found all over the world. By overlaying the angel image on the scripture pages, I wanted to represent the idea of how this guardian angel might feel after centuries of watching over mankind.  Some viewers say the angel is filled with hopelessness and despair due to the wickedness of the people on Earth, while others say she is grieving over lost souls. Ultimately, I like to leave final interpretation up to individuals to decide for themselves.
Contrary to my usual style, I wanted to create a less colorful piece that would evoke strong emotions. I did not necessarily intend for it to be controversial, but even the small percentage of people that are uncomfortable by the use of scriptures may choose to openly express their feelings on the subject and those discussions were what I hoped to achieve.  
 When the piece was completed, I discovered the fitting verse, which ultimately became the title of this piece, on the angel’s broken left hand: “The Earth is given into the hands of the wicked.”

Ambassador Scholarship Application
For this application, Carley was asked to write an essay about her goals and qualifications. She was also instructed to create an "about me" visual page. Here are the pieces of that application:

Although my family’s means are modest, my parents have always worked hard to provide for the needs of their children. We sometimes had to give up our "wants" but we always had the necessities and we were taught valuable lessons along the way. One of the most important lessons they taught me was about the importance of college education. I have seen firsthand the frustrations my mom has endured because she has not yet completed her degree, and because of this she has made many sacrifices to assure that I will have every educational opportunity possible. With the unwavering support and encouragement of my family, I am able to maintain good grades, participate in leadership and service clubs, and still find time to relax and recharge when needed. With hard work and dedication, I will be a first generation college student and graduate.

            My goal is to gain a degree in fine arts and become an art teacher.  I believe that art is fundamental and every student deserves the opportunity to enhance their education with fine arts instruction. Even as a young child, I knew I viewed the world differently than most people. Where most people will admire the colors of the sunset, I see the abstract shapes of the clouds, the reflected light bending across distant hills and objects. Simply put, art is my life. I struggled in math and science classes until a caring teacher showed me how I could utilize my artistic skills by taking colorful notes to help with my studies.  It is my dream to earn my degree at Weber State University so I may teach and mentor other students facing similar challenges with their own studies.

            I have always known I want to attend WSU, but the first time I walked around the college campus and browsed the art gallery, I truly felt at home.  While my friends were pondering different college options, I never even questioned which school I wanted to attend because I knew this school would be the perfect fit for me.  I have already started making new friends in The Department of Visual Arts and I feel that being an Ambassador will further my goals here.

            I am confident I would be an excellent Ambassador at WSU because as one of the oldest of six children, being a leader comes naturally to me. I am comfortable being in a position to lead by example and I work well with people who have different opinions and ideas. I have also had the great honor of serving as the WSU Lynx representative at Layton High School this year, and I served the past two years as a Layton High Ambassador. In this position, I have specifically reached out to those students who might hesitate to join in, because as a young teen I had to push myself to participate in activities outside of my comfort zone. I know that there are many students who feel the same apprehension about getting involved, and I strive to encourage them to take the chances that I did. I have found that the benefits far outweigh the risks. Whether through school service projects or personal causes, such as cancer awareness, I have participated in so many service projects that show me the value of giving for the benefit of others. To me, service is yet another classroom and there is so much to be learned and gained along the way.

            It is my sincere hope that my application will be strongly considered. I have the time, the desire, the background and the abilities that are necessary to excel in this role, and am so excited for the opportunity. I know I will represent Weber State University proudly! Thank you for your time and consideration.

I happen to think she did an excellent job with her applications and I'm mighty proud!  I wish I could share Madi's scholarship accomplishment with you, but suffice it to say that she scored an amazing 30 on her ACT and earned the Presidential Scholarship which is a 4 year, full tuition scholarship.  

Way to go, girls! 


  1. <3 I couldn't have done it without all of your help and encouragement cha babe! I appreciate you so SO much! Not to mention you're funny rocking!


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
