Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Music That I Can't Live Without

***UPDATE*** Meredith Bragg "Next Time" is now available on iTunes!  2-4-11

Have you ever heard a song that just won't let go of you?  I'm talking about one of those songs that says, "Hello soul, where have you been all my life?"  Mmm Hmmm, that's what I'm talking about.

Last night Carley and I were watching our most favorite favorite-est show, Parenthood.  If you haven't seen it before, let me just clarify something.. I'm fairly certain NBC has bugged my house and is using my life to write this television series, with subtle variations thrown in so that I can't sue them for my share of the profits.  I should also clarify that there are very few people I could actually sit and watch this show with because I am constantly covering my face and saying, "omigosh, how did they KNOW!" Carley forgives me those moments because, face it, she knows the story lines are ripped from our lives too! And at the end of every episode she helps me sweep the house for the bugs that we know are planted here somewhere. 

At the end of last night's episode, when one of the main characters was sobbing into a pillow over the daughter that is working hard to break her mother's heart, there was a haunting song playing in the background. It reached into my guts and hooked me so hard that I was actually annoyed at the characters because their talking was making it so I couldn't hear the song! I have a vague recollection of the girlies air kissing me from the doorway as I began my Internet hunt for the song based on the snippets of lyrics I could gather in spite of the dialogue.


The song could not be located by the lyrics. In this information age, that almost NEVER happens! I was frustrated!  By that time I had re-watched the scene a dozen or so times and I liked the song even more every time I heard it.

Today I was thrilled to discover that NBC lists some songs from each episode on their website and.. TA DA! There it was..  Meredith Bragg "Next Time"  You better believe I hopped over to iTunes immediately to purchase this haunting song.

I'm starting to think the universe doesn't want me to have this song because IT WASN'T THERE!  Are you kidding me?! Multiple Internet searches later and all I can tell you is that this song came out some time last year but it is nowhere to be purchased.  *sob* I did find ONE place where I could stream the song and listen to it at my computer.

Want to hear it for yourself?  "Next Time"

I luh-huve this song! I can't explain why, but it makes me want to take off somewhere tropical and walk down a sugary-white beach with flip flops in my hand and grains of sand sticking to my feet. I didn't think I'd ever get over the trauma of last year's Hawaiian vacation, but this song has apparently cured me... well, the song AND the fact that the arctic air has us trapped in single digit weather this morning.
Bill's feet.. Kickin it in Maui '09  Time to go back, yes?

Since there is no tropical vacation in my future, I would at least like to have the song on my iPod so I can dream. Is that too much to ask?  Meredith Bragg, please get your schtuff together and make the song available on iTunes. I'd be oh so grateful!

This pic was posted on today. Mean!
And Hubby, if you ever read this.... which you won't....  how about a nice tropical vacay?


  1. Next Time Lyrics

    Still remember when where we walked that day
    The day you walked away from me
    And I didn’t know what to say
    So I just watched you leave
    Well I swear if I had one more chance
    I know exactly where I would be
    Next time, you’ll walk away with me

    There are times I wonder where you are
    I wonder if you wonder too
    When I think about the way I was
    Well I guess I was confused
    But I know if I got one more chance
    Exactly what I would do
    Cause next time, I‘ll run right after you

    Still remember what you wore that day
    And the way you held your hands
    And the moment when you looked away
    Took a moment to sink in
    But I know if I had one more chance
    Exactly where I’d begin
    Cause next time, I won’t make that mistake again
    No next time, I won’t let you go again

  2. Thanks, Kevin! Judging by the number of hits I have had on this post, I am not the only one searching for this song. It was nice of you to post the lyrics.

  3. who is this song by? i friggin love it

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Tina, it is Meredith Bragg. This song came out last year and was supposed to be released on his third album. By doing some digging I found that the third album was just completed in December so my fingers are crossed that we will see it on iTunes before long.

  6. the version i heard was by a man...i'm so sorry to invade your personal space...even tho i think you're super cool! thank you for your info and big hugs!

  7. anyhoo...i would like to know the name of the artist who did that song on parenthood. it was lovely

  8. Tina, no worries.. I like visitors! Especially when they take the time to say hello. :) Meredith Bragg is a man. If you look at the link in my post, you will be able to hear the entire song streaming from another website. Enjoy!


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
