Friday, April 22, 2011

We Are Noisey People

Last night I got a text from Madi while she was working. She sometimes will send me a quick hello while she is on break, but this time was quite different.

Madi: "So I have a work assignment."

Knowing she was at work, I sort of expected that would be normal... yanno, assignments at work? I assumed there had to be something unusual about this assignment, otherwise why text me about it?

Me: "?"
Madi: "I have to come up with a crazy noise."
Me: "Foooooorrrr?"

I responded that way because I was truly mind boggled. Madi is a cook at a cafe in a fun center. Why would a cook need to make a crazy noise? In fact, wouldn't that be sort of startling to the customers if they heard strange noises coming from the kitchen as they wait for their orders?? As it turns out, the other workers want to see if Madi has a silly side. Keep in mind this is my girl who is almost always serious. Madi has no time for the movies we watch that are based on slap-stick, dumb humor and she would rather be off writing in her journal than engaging in the outrageous silliness that sometimes consumes our home. Being told to make a crazy noise really stressed Madi out and I immediately tried to be helpful with her "assignment." In fact, Hubby and the other three girls that were home at the time also tried to be helpful by suggesting noises for Madi to try.

Me: "Try that ka-ka-KA noise that Em used for Lizard hunting."

It was at that point I realized that spelling out noises was kind of difficult to do. There's just no way to convey the correct tone and pronunciation through a text message.

Madi: "Ha. That may just freak them out."
Me: "How about the whip noise ..  Which-HA!"
Madi: "That could maybe work."

At that point in the conversation, the noise level in my house had definitely ratcheted up! We were demonstrating different noises that we knew and that we could possibly share with Madi. Yes, we are weird... we have been for a very long time.  ;)

Me: "Car could teach you her dolphin noise?"
Madi: "Maybe"

Carley's dolphin noise is really cool. She puffs her cheeks with air and then uses a finger to tap on the outside, quickly deflating the air and making genuine dolphin noises. When I tried to mimic her, I just sounded like I was making very.. very rude noises! I never even came close to sounding like a dolphin!

Me: "Lol no. It's really hard. I just tried!"
Madi: "I could do my elephant sound....but that makes me look like a freak.."
Me: "I think they want a lil freaky, Mac."
Madi: "I know! That is just so NOT me."

She's right. It isn't her.  While she was stressing over making a crazy noise, she had no idea what had happened back home. If someone had walked into our house just then, they might have thought we had recently escaped from the loony bin! There were noises of every kind imaginable and no signs of stopping any time soon. We were laughing pretty hard too!  Apparently it doesn't take much to get us going. I don't know how Madi tolerates us sometimes!

Each family member that walked into the room was immediately tested. I told them to make a noise and waited to see what would happen. We had placed bets on Emily... I said she would pause and ask what was going on... Carley said Em would just immediately make a goofy noise. Carley won the bet and Em was immediately a member of the noise making squad. She came up with so many different, silly noises!

The noise factory raged on at home, but apparently my serious girl, Madi, didn't get the silly gene. Random noises are alien to her and she is stumped by this work "assignment." We did our best to help her with ideas, laughing the whole time, but I have a hard time imagining her performing any noise with ease. It's not her style. Too bad they didn't ask for an essay about noise... Madi could rock that!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. You really have no idea. Working back there is so stressful for me sometimes. Not because of the work but because they expect to do silly things if I am to fit in...


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
