Sunday, July 5, 2009

Quiet Reflection

Believe it or not, it actually feels like life is slowing down a bit. Finally. I can't think of any hectic moments last week... The vegetable garden is beginning to burst with the produce we have been waiting so long for, the flower gardens are beautiful and the girls are happy... overall this week was just normal routine with a few fireworks thrown in for kicks.

Thursday I took Abby and Carley in to visit Grandma Robinson again. Madison was at her biology class and Linzie had a friend over, so it was a rare occasion for me to only have 2 of my girls along for the ride. We didn't count on the torrential rain that began once we were there but it was pretty spectacular! I loved sitting there in my grandmother's house, listening to the ominous thunder and looking at the rain sluicing down the windows that are so old that the glass is rippled. We talked about times when I was little and we would go to visit Grandma and Grandpa on Sundays.. On rare occasions we even had sleepovers there. I haven't thought about those days in years, but it is comforting to know that those memories are still there, fresh as ever. I will always remember.

Friday the girls went to Lagoon with the other side of their family. They had a great time and took some really cute pictures! It makes me happy when they have opportunities to spend time with their father's family. Thanks, Stephanie, for inviting them to tag along!

The 4th of July has always been a time when my family gets together for an afternoon BBQ, followed by evening games and fireworks, but as my other posts have already indicated, this is not a typical year for us. My mom was staying at Grandma Robinson's house and there wasn't much celebrating going on... so the girls and I just spent a quiet afternoon at home. It probably would have continued to be a very subdued holiday had my little brother not called to say they were coming over to share fireworks with us. I have always had a special fondness for my little brother, and last night he worked his magic to cheer us all up. I loved watching him grin and laugh as he tossed lit fireworks as high as he could into the sky and all the girls shrieked and laughed when they plummeted back to the street, showering brightly colored sparks along the way. He especially cracked me up when one of his "lotus" fireworks spun under his Durango and he commented, "Yeah, wait until you see the fireworks when the Durango lights up!" Not to worry, unlike years from our childhood, there was no accident involving lighting the neighbor's grass (or roof!) on fire or other pyro-mishaps.

I love the pictures I captured using extra long exposures, although the kids had a hard time standing still so there are a lot of "ghost-images" ... but my favorite one has to be this one:

I could not figure out what those red dots at the bottom right of the picture were! I was truly puzzled until the girls pointed out that it was little Ty's light-up Winnie the Pooh shirt and then it all made sense. Just like a little Tigger, those red dots show her bouncy trajectory as she bounded toward Emily. Oh Em, it is adorable how the little ones all love you so much!

We finished out the night by watching Layton's fireworks from our window (mosquitoes were vicious last night!) ....just me and my girls. Although it was a quiet holiday, it gave me much time to reflect on what I loved most about holidays as a child. I have big plans for next year! Onward and upward! It is time to start some traditions of our own and I know we will have a blast doing so!

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
