Monday, March 22, 2010

This Is Why I Should Have Smacked Him

Last night, after watching a gripping episode of The Pacific with Hubby and several sweet kiddos, Hubby and I resigned ourselves to going to bed because, unlike the kiddos, we had to get up early for work. Our routine is predictable, hence why we call it a routine.  While Hubby brushes his teeth, I check my email and messages one last time for the day.  Then I take my turn brushing teeth and off to dreamland we go.  (HA! How I wish! Hubby falls asleep instantly and I struggle with panicked, work-induced thoughts for hours!)

Normally, all I find in my email is more work for my constantly growing To Do list. I go to bed sufficiently stressed and then attempt to sleep.  However, last night was a different scenario completely.  I opened my Facebook and saw this lovely comment posted on my wall:

Jim Barela Where did Bill find you and where can i get one?

Jim and my Hubby have been friends far longer than I have even known Hubby.  These two friends worked together in Atlanta and I have heard many tales of boys being boys. I know how much the Hubby respects and admires Jim so you can imagine how flattered I was by his Facebook comment. At the very least, it was something fun at the end of the day, rather than the usual stress! 

When Hubby came out of the bathroom, with sparkling teeth and minty fresh breath, I proudly showed him the comment from Jim. I should have known what would follow.

That darn Hubby started laughing!

With an indignant snort, I turned away from the snickering Hubby and pretended to pout mightily.

Me: "You should learn to appreciate me like your friend, who I have never met, appreciates me!"

Hubby: "But why would he say something like that?" (Still chortling).

Me: "RUDE!" (Beginning to grin in spite of myself.)

Hubby: "No, really.  Why would he say something like that about you? Did you say anything to him??" 

Me: "No, he just reads my posts and APPRECIATES what I have to say."

Hubby starts giggling anew. 

I wanted to smack him, but I love him too much and I know he does love me too. But seriously?  WTH Hubby? Someone needs to teach you how to properly stroke a girl's ego.  Yes, we have them too! 

Just before I turned out the light, I sent this reply to Jim on Facebook: 


Nicole Thomas Turek He's laughing his ass off right now and wants to know to what you are referring. I think I should just smack him. ;)

I didn't actually smack him, but I seriously considered it.  Instead I just snuggled up with him, as I always do. Love you, unappreciative Hubby!

Update: This morning I saw that silly Hubby had also posted a reply to his friend's inquiry. I can only shake my head and grin at what the love of my life had to say: 

Bill Turek She came in a Cracker Jack box Jim, lol
What am I going to do with him?  (Kiss him and love him forever, I think!)

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
