Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The People In My Blog Neighborhood

Each morning, when I wake up, I grumble.  A lot.  I'm not really a morning person. I'd like to be... but it's just so eaaaarrrly.  I could totally be a morning person if it happened later in the day! To ease the pain of being a night owl that is forced to wake up early, I grab the laptop from under the side of the bed and I take a stroll through my blog neighborhood.

You guys should see my neighborhood! Unlike my actual neighborhood in my real world, I really like my blog neighbors. Each one was hand picked by me, and I can swap them out whenever I feel like I need a change. It is much more satisfying than rearranging furniture. I mean that!

*Side note: My girls love to rearrange their furniture. I don't know if I am missing that genetic compulsion or if I've just grown out of it, but I like my furniture where it is, thankyouverymuch!

So I love my virtual neighborhood... and I also happen to love vintage Sesame Street clips. No other television show ever taught me so many fundamentals of life. Seriously. How else would I know that NEAR means my lovable furry pal, Grover was closer to me, and FAR meant he was a tiny speck of blue? I can also attribute my rudimentary understanding of Spanish to Sesame Street. To this day, when I see the "Cerrado" sign at my favorite local farm, I proudly exclaim to anyone in the vicinity that the farm is CLOSED! Boo-yah, look who can read Spanish!

I remember vividly the day that I introduced my husband and my girls to my favorite Sesame Street aliens by way of You Tube. We spent hours... at least an hour...  some quality minutes laughing hysterically at the "Yip yip, ah-hunh ah-hunh" antics of those mop-like Muppets.  To this day, you can hear one of us imitate the aliens saying "chiiiiick-en" and then at least one of us laughs hysterically rolls our eyes at the dork that brought it up.. again. (Hubby just came in while I was previewing the link and he laughed! This is good stuff I tell ya!)

This morning as I was reading through my favorite blogs, I genuinely appreciated the fact that I can experience such diverse views of life on a daily basis.  I am charmed by comedians, gently advised by others who have "Been there, done that", and I choke up over the adversity others face. Thanks to those people and their awesome writing skills,  I laugh.. I cry.. I stare at the screen in amazement... and I never, ever walk away without feeling immense gratitude for the blessings in my life.

Today I was thinking how these blogs are my virtual neighborhood and suddenly, a favorite Sesame Street song popped into my head. Just like that, a light bulb went off.  (Isn't that how all blog posts are born?) So I immediately went over to You Tube and started surfing some vintage Sesame.  Is there a better way to start the day? I don't need coffee, I need some Ben Stiller and Tele!

To my blog friends, I hope you enjoy the clip I scrounged up for you today. I'm sure it will roll around musically in my brain all day.. I may even hum or whistle while I work. I especially hope that my new friend, Abe,  over at the Blog O' Cheese will get a kick out of this because it is kind of fitting for him.
Roll It! 


  1. I don't know if I can show my wife this clip. She has a mad crush on Ben Stiller.

    Great clip because Ben Stiller was in The Cable Guy.

    I hope that I am a neighbor. I never move though so you can't swap me out.


Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
