Monday, February 28, 2011

And The Oscar Goes To.....

Everyone in the goshdarn world is posting about the Oscars today so I figured it was worth a mention here as well. Yes, we watched the 83rd annual Oscar awards. No, we didn't originally plan to do so.  I was interested in the Oscars of course, but my biggest question was not who would win the big trifecta, but would Banksy show up or not?  He did not. In fact, Exit Through The Gift Shop didn't even win.. neither did Restrepo.. Disappointing! (check out Banksy's website HERE to see why I think he is genius!)

Hubby held on as long as he could, sweetly feigning interest from time to time. I had taken him to see The King's Speech earlier in the day so he had actually seen three of the big contenders and had opinions on some of the categories as well. The girls and I continued watching the event after Hubby gave up and went to bed. We skipped forward through the commercials and the boring speeches and had a great time overall... until it was time for Mr. Spielberg to announce best picture......  Wait for it.....  The DVR recording stopped! We were so far behind the actual telecast that we were unable to switch to live and see the LAST FEW MINUTES OF THE OSCARS!  Ugh... Care to know what recording killed our Oscar buzz?  Big Love. That's right, Tom Hanks' HBO series about polygamists in Utah took over our DVR and put a screeching halt to our Oscar viewing.

There's got to be some humor in there somewhere.

Thanks to Google, we were at least able to find out who won.. The King's Speech. I wasn't disappointed because I had just seen it that very day and I really liked the movie. I also had a really great date who held my hand and let me snuggle his arm through the entire movie so it was a win all the way around!

It was an enjoyable evening spent with my family.. but like I said, it wasn't planned. The planned event was the night before when Hubby and I dirtied up every dish in the kitchen while us girls sang along with great iPod music and Hubby broke out in a dance or two as we made an excellent dinner! You can read about that on our Culinary Blog once I get it all written up and splashed with pictures.

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
