Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Blog Letter To Aunt Dottie

Aunt Dottie, you made my day yesterday! I was in the middle of a frantic "Must get to point A, rush through it and then hope I get to point B on time so that I can then rush home to the girls and find out what they need from me next!"  But in the middle of all that rushing around, I picked up my mail and immediately focused on your perfectly delicate penmanship staring up at me from the cream colored envelope.

I squealed  with excitement... not even kidding!

My hectic schedule was forgotten as I sat down with my treasured letter and lost myself in your beautiful writing.

Dottie, you mean the world to me! Not a day goes by that I don't think of you and wish I lived closer so that I could spend time chatting with you whenever I felt like it. After reading your letter yesterday, I starting thinking how wonderful it would be if I could come up with the money to bring the girls out to see you in person. They have heard all the stories and they line up to read your letters every time one arrives in the mail.  I will have to work on that saving up the money because it would mean so much to them to take a trip out there.. and to me also!

Confession time.  Every time I get a letter from you, I immediately smack my forehead because I have the BEST of intentions to sit down and actually WRITE you a letter... and send you a package. Strange as it may sound, I don't have stationary so I make mental notes to pick some up and then in the hustle and bustle of my crazy teenagers running my life, I never get the chance. It will happen though! I don't like being a slacker, especially when it comes to my favorite Massachusetts lady!

I know you have had such a difficult, extreme winter. The truth is that I have been a little jealous of all of the winter weather you have had there and that my friends in New York have had. I look out my window and see green grass with only occasional snow and I wonder where all the white stuff is! (It happens to be raining as I write this) However, I know enjoying snow from inside a cozy home and being forced to drive around in it are two completely different things... and with the three teenage drivers I have now, part of me is very grateful for our mild winter so that they have more time to practice their driving skills.

I'm glad that you read our blog as often as you do. It makes me so happy to be able to share our lives with you this way since we cannot be closer... but I do hope to make it out there with all the girls anyway! I treasure the photos and memories of my trip out there to see you last fall. I was just looking through them this week and I ached to be back there again. Somehow it just feels like home to me back there and I look forward to (and desperately hope for) a return trip in the near future.

Love you so much, sweet lady! Stay warm and safe out there and know that I am always thinking of you.


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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
