Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Celebration

Children should be celebrated every day. As a mother I feel very strongly about that. I know there are times that isn't always easy... especially if those children are misbehaving or tromping on parental feelings.  But I still think they need to have special celebrations other than birthdays and public holidays.  It's even better if they aren't expecting a celebration. A mini surprise party, if you will.

Yesterday we ignored that silly groundhog and celebrated Linzie instead.

 My Binza Bear was taking care of others even before she was born. (She's still an excellent mama bear in training!) But while they shared a womb, Linzie struggled to pump the shared blood supply for Abby and herself. She did a valiant job.. the best she could really. And when her little heart could no longer bear the burden alone, a very talented doctor stepped in to rescue my little girls. Abby was able to finally put on weight and Linzie could finally rest.  But because she had done the work for both of them for so long, her little heart was damaged. When she was born, Linz had some heart problems that needed to be fixed... some immediately after her birth, and some that we finally corrected 5 years ago on Groundhog Day.

First thing yesterday morning, Linzie posted this on her Facebook -
“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.” - James Dean
5 years ago today I had my heart surgery... ♥ :)

I felt a wide range of emotions when I read that. First and foremost, I am so grateful for my girl and for the fight within her that kept her going until help arrived. There are no words to properly convey my gratitude for the the many talented doctors that have taken such excellent care of my Linz, even before she was born. Echocardiograms and EKGs have been routine procedures for Linzie for the past 14 years and she's never been scared or worried because those doctors have always been her friends.

I was on the verge of happy, grateful tears all day as I thought about her life, the supporting people and the events that brought us to that day of celebration.

Is there a better  way to celebrate Linzie's heart day than a cake complete with heart-shaped sprinkles and five tall candles? We didn't think so!  We sang "Happy Heart Day To You" and took lots of pictures of the cake. My cute artists looked like the Cake-a-razzi with their cameras out, snapping picture after picture of the cake making process and the finished product!

I could only grin as I watched their happiness unfolding in front of me.  I did not get out my fancy camera, I left that to the girlies, but I did snap a few pictures with my Blackberry to share with Facebook friends. Please forgive the grainy, camera phone quality. When Carley uploads her pictures, I'll be sure to snag a few!

The paparazzi snap photo after photo of the heart cake!

Happy 5th anniversary, my sweet girl!

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Babehs "My daughters are so many things- Tiny discoverers of butterfly wings, huggers of teddies, sweet sleepyheads, little ones to dream for in bright years ahead... All Special people who right from the start had a place in our family and of course in my heart. And just when I think that I've learned all the things that my dear daughters are and the joy each one brings, a hug or a grin comes with such sweet surprise that love finds me smiling with tears in my eyes!"
